This report from the ABC's own website - November 2011 - so I...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    This report from the ABC's own website - November 2011 - so I think Mark Scott feels himself on very safe ground - seems he and his organisation have the whole Leftist propaganda agenda totally under the control which Gillard (whom else?)suddenly swung their way (who was suprised at her further alleged skullduggery - her pandering to all her pets. who loved her. and Labor) - and he can pay himself, and his Leftist, Far Leftist, and Marxist presenters (are there any OTHER variety - this entity totall awash with them )any darn monumnetal salaries HE darn well likes!

    We donkey outs here foot the costs via our taxes. This is NOT private enterprise. All the scarier. WHat, no controls - no audits - no one to answer to Thia entity now entreched, what for OUR lifetimes - our grandkids lifetimes!
    Spewing out endless Leftist drivel? Brainwashing the captive masses?

    Shades of Stalin and Hitler's (and China and Nth. Korea's) totalitarian news media entities.

    Here's what happened - in case lots have forgotten:-

    Quote:- (From November 2011!)

    ABC managing director Mark Scott says he is delighted by the Government's decision to award the permanent Australia Network contract to the ABC, but failed bidder Sky News says it wants compensation after what it calls an "extraordinary" decision .

    The Government has decided the ABC, which currently operates Australia Network, should continue to deliver the international broadcasting service.

    Sky News and the ABC had both bid for the 10-year $223 million contract to broadcast the network to 44 nations in Asia and the Pacific.

    Media leaks prompted the Federal Government to cancel the tender on November 7, when it called the Australian Federal Police to investigate.

    Those leaks suggested an independent evaluation panel had recommended the multi-million dollar contract be awarded to Sky News, which is owned by the Australian News Channel (ANC).

    ANC chief executive Angelo Frangopoulos said the decision to grant the contract to the ABC permanently was "extraordinary" given the two investigations - one by the Auditor-General into the tender process and the Australian Federal Police examining the leaks.

    "We expected to be fully compensated," he said.

    Communications Minister Stephen Conroy said the Government had hoped the tender for the network would have been completed in good faith.

    Mr Scott said he was delighted by the Government's decision.

    "The ABC takes seriously the responsibility to take Australia into the Asia Pacific region, building on the outstanding services we have delivered over 70 years," Mr Scott said in a statement.

    Deputy Opposition leader Julie Bishop says Prime Minister Julia Gillard must explain the ongoing and unacceptable political interference in its handling of the tender.

    "It is deeply troubling that the Government has made a rush decision to grant the contract to the ABC before the outcome of the AFP investigation is known," Ms Bishop said.

    The decision looked to have been made while Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd was out of the country and absent from Cabinet.

    Opposition communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull said the complete failure of the tender revealed the chronic infighting and incompetence of the Government.

    "Consumed by the worsening antagonism between the Prime Minister and her Foreign Minister, the Government has done a complete backflip and given the Australia Network contract in perpetuity to the ABC," he said.

    "At every stage, what should have been a straightforward, businesslike tender for an important national interest broadcasting task, has been poisoned by the deep personal and factional hatreds within this dysfunctional Labor government."

    Senator Conroy faced a conflict of interest in the matter and there had been no adequate explanation of how that conflict would be avoided, she said.

    Australia Network, the country's international television broadcasting service, has been running since 1993.

    It broadcasts news, drama and sport to 44 countries in Asia and the Pacific, as well as programs to teach English language skills."

    End quote.

    But who's suprised - the Machiavellians out in full force - and even from Opposition - now with ex-Union "hack" Shorten rowing their boat - they look to destruct, destroy, slander, and bring down our legally elected Government.

    My advice to this nation -

    "Keep Calm - and Trust in God!". (ABbott did get rid of Gillard and Rudd!).


    "We shall overcome". This destructive Leftist plague - these liars and deceivers.

    A very frightening prospect - to Know the ABC sees themselves set in concrete - hosting a network of greedy leeches, doing not much - except jeering at the Right - thumbing their nose at us - and now continuing doing exactly what they like.
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