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Talison details disappeared from view when they were taken over....

  1. niu
    1,638 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 578
    Talison details disappeared from view when they were taken over. This is one of their last presentations.

    Talison is now under joint ownership between Tianqi (51%) and Albermarle. The lithium price spike has much to do with how Tianqi are controlling supply of spodumene in to the Chinese market. Market commentator Joe Lowry has much to say on this matter

    My own thought on this - although spodumene is currently in artificially short supply, it is reasonably abundant. Longer term the supply constraint will be converting capacity rather than the issue of getting material out of the ground. By starving independent spodumene converters Tianqi will acquire some of the distressed capacity before new supplies can ease the spodumene supply crisis. Expect strong Chinese participation in funding all the current crop of Australian spodumene developments. Longer term we need to watch the risk of rampant spodumene development leading to a situation such as iron ore faces now. If and when that arises, it will be back to the old story of "grade is king" and Talison/Greenbushes will win every time - nothing comes close on grade.

    As for upside in ORE, yes it will be driven by lithium price, but it will also require performance - name plate output and profitability to match. And then there is the strategic material aspect - if and when the growth pipeline kicks in, it will get very interesting. Will one of the Big 5 make a move? Has TTC got a preemption right in respect of SDJ? First things first, though - output up and cash flowing (in for a change)
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