md, cfo and managers

  1. 1,050 Posts.
    These top dogs of the company (particularly public list companies) are extremely proud when the share price rocket by > 20% and face to the media for interview. Their name become popular, famous like a movie star. The most important point is their value (salary package and popularity to the whole community) move up accordingly. They are so eager to talk publicly etc...
    On the contrary, shouldn't they be very very shameful (like Frank from NAB, Paul from AMP etc) when their performance go down as the share price go down.
    However, there are many of them blame the media is the share price go against them. Other excuses like: new of the jobs, the stupidty of former managers, the climate, the world environment etc...and comment: "they are doing the jobs without any care about the movement of the share price of their company... Is this responsible answer to their employers (shareholders). Have they truthly done the best to their works according to their status? or simply steel wage from the company? Those must resign should resign without excuse. Don't blame the shareholders and the market.
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