marriage bill back in parliament, page-16

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    yes - in fact seems to be gays champing at the bit to get married - and heteros not so fussed. preferring the "partners" road!

    Gays just wanting to make a point for the sake of it perhaps? (Yes, I too have great gay friends).

    Who ever thinks of the poor future children in these loose and debatable situations? Yes, some very selfish self centred people become parents. To many, a baby is just a passing fad fashion accessory. Cute whilst they're little, and a nuisance once they grow into lanky and cantankerous teenagers, or difficult adults. Many of thse kids are the ones on the streets. The parents not committed to loving them unconditionally regardless.

    Every child, ideally, should have a biological Mum, Dad, and a loving and secure home, and, to them, what they see is an untroubled chilhood. "Secure" meaning, more than anything, mentally, physcologically secure. No child likes to feel "different", especially amongst their schoolfriends in the schoolyard, where bulying now is so prevalent.

    A couple who genuinely love each other (and this love is much more than just early passion!) and sincerely hope and intend to be together for life, and take the relevant vows, are the ideal parents, and have shown their committment to each other, and their future children, by getting married, for better or worse, for richer or poorer.
    They are willing to take the rough with the smooth regarding what life hands out to them in the future together. They don't make a run for it when things gets too tough.

    Things go wrong, and tragedies happen, and marriages break up, but every child deserves the most normal and happy life they can get to start them on their journey.

    We will be so bogged down with Greens policies and demands, all on the basis of Bandt's one seat in the House of Reps at present, and the Gillard secret deal, selling out voters trust, that these minor issues will take precedence over much more pressing and vital affairs.

    In fact, judging by the photo of the new Gang of 5 (or is it 6) the other day, in which Gillard fronter her new Coalition, Brown looked more like the Deputy PM than did Swan! His cat got the crea, smile fixed on his face. Gillard will become just Brown's puppet on a string!

    She'll be forever jumping at HIS whim!

    She asks for transparency honesty etc. Wish she'd practice what she preaches! Such a relentless hypocrite! And doesn't bat an eyelid whilst she's smiling and lying. She lives in a glass house.

    It'll be shattered, one day.

    And what state will we all be in by then? Hate to think.

    Three more years of these buffoons. God help Australia.

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