marriage bill back in parliament, page-183

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    Seems obvious that the greenie/labor/union cabal are just running a diversion of massed social issues that the bulk of the electorate would find clinically insane to introduce to distract us from the main "money" issues.

    The main issues are those where large amounts of money will flow from the taxpayers into the pockets of the greenie/labor/union cabal and their cronies.

    These large amounts of money will not be one time payments, but massive cash flows year after year.

    These large amounts of money are not wealth creation, but money drained largely from the middle class and poor to fill the bank accounts of the few at the top rungs of the greenie/labor/union cabal along with their selected cronies.

    The key money issues are obvious:
    - Resource rent tax
    - carbon tax
    - NBN white elephant

    Similarities with the US political situation are interesting:

    The soros/trade union owned and controlled democrats in the US have a strategy to develop and maintain a permanent democrat majority for permanent control of the US government.

    The strategy include diversion of massive cash flows drained from the middle class and poor into the bank accounts of the few at the top rungs and their cronies.

    A part of the cash will be used for election campaigning to be able to continually outspend the Republicans during each election cycle.

    The drainage of cash from the larger middle class and poor population to fund these efforts to create a farcical democracy in the US will impoverish, cause massive job loss and massively increase welfare dependency over the coming generations.
    The welfare dependents are the democrats electoral base so the wealth draining policy also increases the number of voters dependent on wasteful welfare-dependency-creating policies.

    Massive uncontrolled immigration by open borders is another leg of the strategy to distort the voter demographics to their favor over time.

    In Australia, the union controlled and owned labor party in alliance against the Australian people with the clinically insane greenies are attempting to adopt similar policies to the soros/union owned and controlled democrat party.

    The details are different but the obvious overall strategy is close to identical.

    - massive cash-flows diverted into the pockets of the selected few to fund continuous election campaigns
    - massive job losses and impoverishment of the middle class and poor to expand welfare dependency
    - uncontrolled immigration via an open borders policy to distort the voter demographics over time.

    Additionally in both the US and Australia, the focus is kept on introduction of insane, community destroying social policy demanded by fringe groups that act both as a diversion and to further break up and divide communities.

    The two groups seem to be operating from the same script and for the same purpose...
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