spruik et al - I think this thread has run its course -...

  1. 18,028 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 154
    spruik et al - I think this thread has run its course - interesting. Tolerance is a work in progress everywhere, even within ourselves; there is always something we don't like, cannot stand etc. It's always worthwhile investigating why - you might discover something new.

    As a result of this thread I checked out some movies about homosexuality on my new Smart TV - one was very touching - French, about some teenagers mostly; the other was 'Brokebak Mountain' which I eventually turned off, because of their continued unintelligible mumblings in some Amrican drawl - Heath Ledger was magnificent though but I didn't like the other guy - but well played, both!
    In the past I have seen a number of movies about Lesbians which are usually aesthetic and gratuitous to also please their male audience - (can't get my head around this either, but know that male homosexuality is more confronting).

    Initially, I didn't like the proposition to call a SS union 'marriage' - still can't get myself into the 'others' shoes - they say: pass judgement (or similar) after you have walked a mile in the other's moccasins and from my limited life experience I'd say 'they' are people just like us, need someone to love and be close to in the same way we do, but the actual mechanics for their physical union is different, for all sorts of reasons. I believe because they are born that way; I am sure science isn't too far behind in proving that one way or the other.

    I have been bored, offended etc. etc. more by ordinary people, than by the SS people I have known (probably a dozen or so) - in fact I have been shown some extraordinary generosity by two of them - have been amused, intrigued and continue to be so in the entertainment world by similar people.

    So: Live and lets live!
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