Mass of unreported infections. True Coronavirus fatality rate very low. Lockdown. Why?, page-192

  1. 76 Posts.
    The good news is that the Prime Minister of Sweden has consistently been on the side of those pushing for lockdown but has not been able to do much because the other parties in Parliament won't let him rule by decree. Any tightening measure eventually introduced there will be too small and too late to avoid what has already happened there: the population which is not very vulnerable to CVirus has already been largely exposed.
    It would be 100% pointless or Sweden to follow OZ-style (i.e. Vic and NSW) martial law now.

    In any case, countries like Spain and Austria are already moving towards relaxation of the shutdown this week. The lockdown is folding up already in Europe, after a few weeks. Australia must follow. If not, our GNP will be about that of **on's in 12 months' time.
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