Massive Ivermectin study blows up false attacks on the drug, page-2

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    They tested an entire city in Brazil over 5 months. 220,000 trial subjects The trial doctor has no doubt Ivermectin works. Low dose 2mg for 2 days once a fortnight as a prophylaxis against all strains. Safety data: 145,000 in the dose arm had no adverse effects. Dose response to IVM, the higher the dose = better kidney and liver serum level results. Dose dependent.
    Compare to remdisavir, can damage kidneys and no real proof it works on omniron, approved.
    Doc says 90% claim for PFE's Paxlovid in isolation not believable. Paxlovid has one of IVM MOA. IVM should be more effective. Paxlovid is protease inhibitor and works as direct antiviral. No data available to check.
    IVM =73% reduction in hospitalization. Data on hospitalizations due in coming days. Data so far is posted on Cures website. Lowest mortality rate :40% below national average. Doc recommends IVM weekly. Works against omnicron. IVM has 20MOA's including protease inhibitor. Doc recommends using multiple therapeutics. Hydroxychloroquine, with zinc, is now back in play due to different cell entry method by omicron.
    What to do when pulminory stage starts. He prevented his own mother from going to hospital with 90% of lung infected. 80mg of dexamethadone 5 days high dose IVM etc. Oxygen. In 3 days she was off oxygen. Remember we lost millions of lives to covid, but none through therapeutics.
    Doc, "when we were needed to work as doctors with treatments for individual patients, we were prevented and 6 million deaths are the result"
    Sorry above points were jotted down while listening to the broadcast. Significant numbers did not complete the study. Fact checkers predictably dispute findings.
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