Here is the challenge for today.You have to cook 3 dishes that...

  1. 9,445 Posts.
    Here is the challenge for today.
    You have to cook 3 dishes that you would love to see in your first cookbook.
    We want to know what would be on the front cover, how you visualize your cookbook, what story it has to tell. We want to know the theme and what you tell us will help us make a decision.

    So, Donna What are the 3 key things you will be looking for from our contestants.
    I would like to see some really innovative recipes.

    I’d like to see some real thought in the food styling remembering that you are styling for camera not for put down on a restaurant table and I’d like to see your cover recipe absolutely blow my socks off.

    A really great cover has absolute lickability. If someone doesn’t want to run up to your cover and actually touch it and almost want to lick it then you have lost the race from the start.

    It’s got to look beautiful and yummy. Food porn in many ways.
    You will have 2 and a half hours to make your 3 dishes.

    So , did Julie conform???
    Did Chris conform??
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