Little Johnny Wong was doing poorly in studies in year 8 and...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 26
    Little Johnny Wong was doing poorly in studies in year 8 and tiger mum was getting anxious. Worst of all was his maths scores. First term he got 60%, second term 45 and third term he nearly failed and mum was nearly climbing the wall, Nothing seemed to help - bribes, threats, special coaching...nothing.

    Then she decided to change his school..put him in a Catholic private school that had a great academic reputation.

    The next term he got perfect maths marks...and the term after that and the term after that. Mum kept shut, afraid to break the spell.

    Then she could bear it no longer - ok Wong, tell me what made you improve so much so quickly?

    Mum, said Wong. The first day in the new school, I walked through the gates and saw this huge plus sign.

    They had this figure of a guy nailed on it...then I knew this school was deadly serious about maths.
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