Matt 5:20 or enter you won't., page-109

  1. 5,751 Posts.

    You got no idea have you wotsup, more of you putting conditional take trying to line verses to your preconceived mindset

    We know exactly where that's coming from, definitely not from God

    At the time of the resurrection, what are you going to tell the Holy Spirit when He comes to raise you up, that there is no eternal life with him as there is no Bible verse

    In Romans 8, the Apostle Paul emphasizes the essential role of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers, particularly in relation to eternal life. Here are several key points that highlight the significance of the Holy Spirit in this context:

    Romans 8 teaches that when a person puts faith in Christ, they receive the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9). This indwelling is crucial because it signifies a personal relationship with God—a transformation that marks the believer as belonging to Christ.

    Paul contrasts living according to the flesh (sinful nature) with living according to the Spirit. Romans 8:6 states that "the mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace." The Holy Spirit brings life, peace, and assurance of salvation, which are fundamental aspects of eternal life.

    The Holy Spirit plays a vital role in sanctification, helping believers grow in holiness and conform to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29). This process is integral to the Christian journey and is a reflection of true faith, as it leads to a life that aligns with God's will.

    Romans 8:16 indicates that the Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. This assurance of being part of God's family is foundational for the believer's confidence in eternal life. The internal testimony of the Holy Spirit provides the believer with certainty regarding their salvation.

    Paul also reminds believers of the promised future resurrection in Romans

    8:11. He states that if the Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in believers, He will also give life to their mortal bodies. This promise connects the work of the Holy Spirit to the hope of eternal life, showing that the Spirit not only assures believers of eternal life but also plays a direct role in its realization.

    The Holy Spirit empowers believers to live according to God's commands and to bear fruit (Galatians 5:22-23). This empowerment is essential because it enables believers to overcome sin and live a life that reflects the character of Christ—an essential aspect of living in light of eternal life.

    The Holy Spirit is paramount for believers in relation to eternal life as He indwells, transforms, assures, and empowers. Romans 8 captures the profound relationship between the believer and the Holy Spirit, highlighting that through the Spirit, believers experience the fullness of life now and the hope of eternal life to come.

    The rest of your post, there is no substance to this childish take

    There is no two way about it eternal life is knowing the Father, Jesus, Death and resurrection and the Holy Spirit in knowing the truth, leading people to truth

    If you don't know this very basics, you are in a deep state of confusion, not having the very basic foundation to be a Christian
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