"Your basics are based on ignorance due the deceptive bait that...

  1. 24,942 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "Your basics are based on ignorance due the deceptive bait that you have swallowed" -> Like supposed dispensation by Paul which sadly you have swallowed, but following is WHY.

    By chance today I come across a site pushing this said false barrow of Paul's, re a pre trib rapture. (Not that Paul teaches it)
    I'm sure he quoted Eph and Col for this Dispensation and when you look at the Interlinear, there is NO such word to be found as in dispensation or any word that means that.

    He also makes a HUGE error with 2 Thes 2:3 - Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away (apostasy) comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,

    The subject is about Jesus first return of any kind, known as his second coming.
    He makes all sorts out of the falling away, corrupting it's Clear and intended meaning to, being caught up, as in a rapture.
    The SUBJECT other than what I just said, centers around lawlessness = not teaching the truth of God's word, falling away from God's truth.

    So the said one (it, same) dwelling in the temple, will be revealed before Jesus comes.

    The site was also trying to suggest, the temple in 2:4 is a literal Temple, going entirely against Paul's many messages of how people are now the temple.

    This falling away matter, I did some serious investigations of this area way back, and no way is it a rapture.

    God is allowing it until it is time, because of 2:10 and he is doing this by the means of 2:11.

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