Matt 5:20 or enter you won't., page-366

  1. 24,761 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Your words mean zero, as with all my posts, NO cherry picking but providing the Bible support, not like you adding to what a verse is saying when it is says Nothing of a sort, you have not once come back with the Bible and directly addressed my points as I respectfully address all of yours.

    And to be honest, I don't know if you even realize how much you've ignored and effectively, all though you may have seen them, you're NOT really seeing my replies, lights on and no one is home.
    I once used to do the same, been there and done that.

    Your Titus quote as I showed you following, well and truly places the truth in ones face, so show us with the Bible, WHY it is no so.

    Titus 2:13 - awaiting the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of the great God = (You (Father) the ONLY TRUE God 17:3) AND saviour of us, Jesus Christ = (As with John 17:3, clearly TWO are being referenced in Titus as per the following shows why).

    1 John 3:2 - Beloved, now we are children of God (You (Father) the ONLY TRUE God) ; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.
    "That makes you a disbeliever in the Christian doctrine that Jesus is God."

    In the context of who God was = the Only True God = Father alone, what you're saying here is no more than the Tradition of men, which began from around the 100's and continues to this day.

    The Bible is clear as I've clearly shown, Jesus became a BEGOTTEN God AFTER the cross and his glorification.
    So NOW he is a God under The God and Father, just AS the BIBLE clearly shows, so why do you reject this??????

    "Christian" = Follow of Christ, the REAL Messiahs (NOT Christ).

    The verse that shows an antichrist, denying that he came in the flesh, means to deny that he is flesh, his only all time beginnings etc, the 2nd Adam Man.
    The verse has absolutely ZERO to do with, turning into flesh from something prior other than a plan to be, in the mind of God -> so to say otherwise = That IS an antichrist.

    And this it appears very apparent, will continue until 2 Thes 2:8 - lawlessness in peoples Temple and the reason why is -> 2:10 and the way it's being not reveal is 2:11 -> granting peoples wishes, to not want truth.

    Hence Jesus's VERY CLEAR words -> Only FEW find = TRUTH, like the days of Noah -> John 1:11 - He (Father) came to His own, and His own did not receive Him.

    Nothing new under the sun, what was will be -> not only the people here not accepting the only true God at the time of Jesus, but as was for the Father, likewise pretty much the same happened to Jesus when he was here.

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