"If God the Father is the Word, how can the Word that was God be...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "If God the Father is the Word, how can the Word that was God be a plan."

    You're not to bright I see here.

    Where was your post before you expressed it forth onto H/C = to, ongoing, in progress = toward, with The Tonio.
    Who are we talking about there = Tonio as while it's in you DRRRRRR it is you or part of you = And Tonio was/is the Word here.
    Your words mate, are your person expressed.

    Hence after Deu 18:18, when Jesus expressed out the God and Fathers words, he Became the express image of his person = WORD, The Word Heb 1:3 KJV.
    Jesus confirms this in John 14:10, by hearing the words of the Fathers coming from him is to See (Perceive - Inter) the Father.
    By JO, you cannot get it any clearer than that.

    1:2 THIS; was in beginning in Tonio's plan and purpose, ongoing, in progress = toward, with the Tonio.

    There are NOT two persons there you silly one. lol

    In beginning was the Word and the Word was to or toward or with The Theon and the Theos was the Word.

    Notice the correct word order of 1:1c = A MUST, otherwise you mess with WHY they used Theon and Theos, which IS referencing the SAME singular person.
    Whether Theon or Theos is used, as with other Greek forms, depends on where they are located in a phrase or sentence, hence the first mention 1:1b is last 1:c and the second is first.
    So you have corruption in most translations to there finest, to FOOL the sheep or is that goats lol.

    You don't have to take my word on the Theon and Theos matter, but get off your backside and search.
    It also relates to, whether one is the subject case or object case, hence word order again, is a must.
    I'm totally amazed that your said scholars (NOT) have not picked this up = 2 Thes 2:11 HAS to be in play, no two ways about it.

    John 1:3 ALL thing made = includes the Man Jesus -> Word God (Father) -> Image of -> Word Man is what Jesus is already before 1:14.
    And the Word Man (existing - Luke) became = arrives and dwelt...........

    Spirit and word are interchanged 6:63 - that which is born of Spirit is Spirit.........that which is born of Word is Word.
    Become born again and become a Word of God, deemed as, your words are simply your person expressed.
    Hence Jesus is a Word of God, titled "The". Rev 19:13, you are NOT the Word you are of, but the image of it. (Him)
    "You just don't get it, do you Wotsup.
    The verse says Jesus was in favour and increased in favour.
    Not only that, but Jesus also had wisdom and stature and increased in wisdom and stature."

    RUBBISH, you are adding what's not there and only using part of the story, to fit your creations.
    No "was" there.

    And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.
    And Jesus increased -> in wisdom and stature, -> and in favor with God and men.

    When and from Where did this come from;
    Deu 18:18 - I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brethren, and will put My words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him.
    John 3:34 - For He whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for (because - Luke 4:18) God does not give the Spirit by measure.

    So he grew in favor etc as he progressed, a pre-existing one would never be anything else and NO, this is NOT just talking about the man aspect of Jesus and if you ADD in that crazy notion, your are causing an abomination of the inspired word and it's clear intended meanings.

    Matt 1:18 - Now the beginning of Jesus Christ was as follows: After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit.

    That IS his all time beginnings, other than the Fathers plan and purpose and the Holy Spirit there is the Father, the Helper to which the Bible in many ways, well and truly spells out that truth in many areas.

    If by chance you think the temple in 2:4 is a prophesy, then you have been taken in, hook line and sinker.
    Your unholy Father = God is already sitting in there, to which Jesus refers to as thieves and robbers.
    2:8 he will toss the tables, God destroys anyone that defiles the Temple, judgement beginning at the House/Temple of God. rolleyes.png

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