Any time that you want to produce words from Jesus the likes of...

  1. 27,732 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Any time that you want to produce words from Jesus the likes of -> bless you Thomas -> feel free.
    You still don't have a clue as to what a Biblical blessing is.

    You continue to make statements and quote scripture that support the Trinity and some that demonstrate your lying delusions.
    Just in this post...

    To boot, when Thomas addressed Jesus as Lord, he also acknowledge the following God dwelling in Jesus, as one would do.
    Thomas addressed Jesus as my Lord and My God and not just as Lord - a rather important omission for @wotsup who wants to lie by omission to support his delusios.
    Yes. he also acknowledged God dwelling in Jesus which supports the Trinity.

    John 14:10 - Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works.
    Are you getting that, Thomas hears twice that God is dwelling in Jesus?
    The Father there that Jesus defines independently of himself, as the only true God when he was here. wink.png
    Yes, independently of himself but dwelling in Jesus.
    The unity of Father and Son.

    And what are the works that Jesus references here = The Word, words coming out of him, of the Fathers, making Jesus the express image of the God and Fathers person Heb 1:3 KJV.
    And hence the Trinity.

    Oh that's right...........and God (Father) was/is the Word.
    Not in the first 14 verses of John 1.
    Here God is referenced but not the Father.
    You were doing reasonably well for you to that point.

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