REPEAT, now stay focused, lights on and don't let corrupted...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    REPEAT, now stay focused, lights on and don't let corrupted Bible translations pull the wool over your eyes.

    And what did they do according to the Interlinear truth, OH no that word "truth" again that you don't like.
    Definition: to do reverence to -> deep respect for someone or something:

    Why wouldn't they, there is many OT prophesies of the future one, which also reference what he would mean for them, the God and Fathers promise unfolding.
    "scripture it is only God that people bow down to and worship"

    I'm Not seeing worship in the Greeks definition of THEIR word, hmmm.
    Not to mention, it would seem that You are behind the times, the OT does NOT interpret the NT, it is the other way around.
    OT events, literal, physical etc, were just foreshadows of the now Spiritual.
    Not to mention, if you want to take note of some OT passages, God pretty much says, that as some things were in OT times, that coming in the future, there would be changes.

    Hence if the God and Father who ordained etc the Man Jesus and gives the OK to worship him, then I have zero issues with that.
    Hence, you think you found something, but the truth of the matter is, you found diddily squat tongue.png

    Jesus when here, says to YOOOOU -> This now is the eternal life that they should know You (Father) the Only True God and whom you have sent, Jesus Christ.
    (He clearly independently of himself, defines the Father as the Only True God).
    He back this up elsewhere by quoting the OT -> Hear, Israel: Yehowah our God is ONE Yehowah.
    Paul backs him in 1 Cor 8:6 = One God and Father = DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

    Where does Jesus or the Bible for that matter say, you need to know a Holy Spirit person as well as the Father and Son, for eternal life?

    "As for the rest of your post you are too stupid, deluded and for ever seeking attenton to know that the silly points that you raise have been explained to you before."

    Explained before = a load of rubbish have they, I raised some points to you, which I've NEVER raised before DRRRRRR.

    None of you have addressed the word options and their overall meanings in John 1:1 to, toward and with, which CLEARLY show there was NOT another person on the scene with The God.
    To boot, the Word as a person can't be with The God and be this same God = DRRRRRRRRRRR.
    Verse 1:2 "This" is the ONLY Greek word available to use at the beginning of this verse, which you lot swallow the word "He" in place of "this", which is impossible.

    None of you can show how Jesus spoke creation into being, which verse 1:3 DEMANDS if you insist Jesus is the Word, when in fact he is the results of the word, product of, like let there be light as Luke clearly shows in childlike language.

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