Matt 5:20 or enter you won't., page-73

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    To boot, when Thomas addressed Jesus as Lord, he also acknowledge the following God dwelling in Jesus, as one would do.
    Thomas addressed Jesus as my Lord and My God and not just as Lord - a rather important omission for @wotsup who wants to lie by omission to support his delusios.
    "Yes. he also acknowledged God dwelling in Jesus which supports the Trinity"

    Are your delusions here preventing you from seeing, that you just contradicted yourself, in the highlights DRRRRRRRRRR!

    Thomas - "and" is simply addressing two before him DRRRRRRRRRRRR
    Just like 17:3 Only true God AND whom you have sent, Jesus Christ.

    Lights on mate, or get home smile.png
    "Yes. he also acknowledged God dwelling in Jesus which supports the Trinity."

    You crazy Poor deluded one lol, it supports No such thing, it simply shows that the God and Father was dwelling in the Temple, Jesus.
    God has never become the Temples that he dwelt in, hmmmm rolleyes.png
    Are you getting that, Thomas hears twice that God is dwelling in Jesus?
    The Father there that Jesus defines independently of himself, as the only true God when he was here. wink.png
    "Yes, independently of himself but dwelling in Jesus." = The God that Thomas acknowledged with his words - My God.
    The unity of Father and Son."

    Yes, the unity of the Holy Spirit = Father and the 2nd Adam MAN Jesus, as in I and the Father are one = one in word which naturally brings unity into one, just as Jesus interprets I and the Father are one in John 17:20 - 24, we are all to become one "even as" they are one.
    SO THAT the God and Father The Word, maybe ALL in ALL, after the Man Jesus hands over the Kingdom to him, when he is then subject to him, that put all things under him.
    And what are the works that Jesus references here = The Word, words coming out of him, of the Fathers, making Jesus the express image of the God and Fathers person Heb 1:3 KJV.
    "And hence the Trinity."

    Hmm John 17:22 that they all become one EVEN AS we are one = we all MUST become part of the trinity, based of The Whereu's false claim, hmmmm, those ...... delusions strike yet again lol.
    Oh that's right...........and God (Father) was/is the Word.
    "Not in the first 14 verses of John 1.
    Here God is referenced but not the Father.
    You were doing reasonably well for you to that point."

    God IS the Father and Jesus makes that very Clear in John 17:3, the ONLY TRUE God when Jesus was here.
    Backed up by John 1:18, after the cross, Jesus is now exalted and glorified and now a Begotten God, ruling for the Father until death no more.
    Begotten simply meaning, you were not the begotten one before being begotten, just as Jesus shows in John 17:3.

    The first 13 verses are the way being made for Yehowah Mal 3:1, Isa 40:3 and at 1:14 or before, the Word Man is already existing, as per Luke and the Word Man is part of the logos/plan expressed into being, like let there be light as Isa 55:10,11.
    In the 13 verses, Yehowah and his word and what it means, represents (light etc, life) and what it brings, as picked up by Jesus and carried into the world, like never before, hence he was given the name - The Word of God as he is deemed as a Word of God, titled "The".

    .........and God (Father) was/is The Word.
    Word God - image of = Word Man.
    1:14 And the Word Man (existing - Luke) became = on the scene and dwelt............
    NOT - And the Word became Man = a Huge difference, THOSE of the TRUE God and True Son. wink.png

    Goodness me, John 1:3 CLEARLY shows and demonstrates, that John 1:1 and the Word was (ongoing, in progress, plan) = toward The God, is partially shown to have been expressed forth from Yehowah by 1:3 DRRRRRRRRR LOL.

    1:14 has zero to do with Jesus becoming flesh, Luke covers that.

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