As usual the US leaves out some facts.Northern Nigeria has...

  1. 5,447 Posts.
    As usual the US leaves out some facts.Northern Nigeria has Islamic law and no doubt it will spread over all Nigeria if allowed.Mauritania is Islamic.Islam is strong in the US blacks who originate from Africa.It is not as easy as people just walk in and take african oil while bombing other Islamic nations.The US sees oil supplies slipping out of their control and into increasing control of Islamic nations or their synpathisers.This has been on the cards for years.Unfortunately for the US,the internet and global information has increased many fold since the Gulf War,so military expeditions come under the full scrutiny of the world population.The US is becoming known as an aggressor as Russia was painted in the Cold War.The US is at a cross roads in its relationship with other countries both friend and foe.Much of the propoganda being turned out is falling on deaf ears as we are all now much more informed via the internet.
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