IGR 0.00% 50.0¢ integra mining limited

mayay mayday, page-16

  1. 4,420 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    i was fairly concerned about the comment from cc

    (While Integra believes the Mineral Resources for these
    other gold deposits to be robust and based on work
    conducted by reputable gold mining companies such
    as Freeport Australia, Normandy Poseidon, Newcrest
    and Placer, Integra does not have access to drill
    sample assay pulps for check analysis.)

    that they are not prepared to trust previous drilling becuase they can no longer test the pulps. The implication is that they are going to twin every previous hole to get a new resource figure, and that is just rubbish. CC should be saying that they will address the repeat issue with holes on appropriate sections....maybe he meant to say something like that, but it reads to me like a. maybe the original resource figure is wrong/dodgy/not there; b. we are going to have to spend a whole lot of money refinding the deposit. This needed more spin IMO.Way too conservative, and please don't forget, the state of the Randalls resource pulps etc has been known ALL the time (surely?). Why this, why now?
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