FML 7.14% 19.5¢ focus minerals ltd

maybe after 3 strikes they should be out?, page-5

  1. 677 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 134
    yes i agree. i am certainly not happy with the position the BOD has put us in. i feel we will be voting with a lot less information than Shandong have been given.

    it is beginning to look like we will lose out whichever way it goes but hope not!. we really have no idea how things will turn out with a yes vote as it is all based on trust, which i don't feel inclined to give in the current situation.

    Shandong's needs seem to be given precedence over the needs of retail investors at the moment. we don't really know what Shandongs vision for the future of our (currently)company is - may well turn out to be totally in conflict with our needs.

    as i have said before we won't know until they have taken over and it is way to late then.

    strongly leaning now towards no vote on Shandong deal and also on rem. report as i am not happy with the way all this has been presented (or maybe better to say not presented ) to us
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