maybe war is not imminent, page-44

  1. 673 Posts.
    ericbaume Fair comments and I would not put you n the category of the other rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth antisemitics such as tophat, gaweb, sofa, perrenial and few others.

    Debate away.

    I would ask you this though. You said:

    "My Polish grandmother was gassed by Hitler. My parents themselves were not practising Jews even though they were forced to emigrate from Europe and arrived in Australia in 1938. I went to a Church of England Sunday School until I was old enough to say to my parents this is bulls*it and from that time on, I've had no time for religion of any sort"

    Two things.

    One: If your parents were non-practising Jews, how the hell did you end up in Church of England Sunday school. No Jew I know would let their kids go there.


    Two: If they were Jews and if they were behind you going to such a Sunday schoool, does that speak of some significant identification issues? Self-abhorrement? A desire to blend in to the non-Jewish world into which they came??

    And in so doing , doing it at the expense of not only their spiritual identity - but yours as well???

    And if the above is true, then ask yourself, if this indeed was the crucible of the man now calling himself ericbaume, is it at all surprising you have what is at best, a healthy distaste for many matters most Jews hold near and dear??

    Worth a thought??
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