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MBE Chart, page-53

  1. 4,107 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 211
    Maybe it's just me, but BPs target for FY15 of 26c doesn't seem that far off. All we know at the moment is MBE are forecasting an earnings of >4 million. Not knowing exactly what that means a conservative analyst would assume at least 4 million for EOY earnings.

    That gives MBE an earnings per share of just a fraction over 1c and at 26c a P/E of approx 24. That's still higher than the asx average (approx 15-ish). I can't find the average for the industry.

    Comsec tells me the sector P/E is approx 26. So it looks to be pretty on target. If MBE hadn't of spent so much on marketing etc, it would have been quite a bit lower and thus cheaper.

    What matters now or will soon, is what will MBE's FY16 P/E look like if it remains at 26c? I think we'll have a better idea at the end of Q4.

    Given that the international arm of the m-payments business is still young, the conservative analyst might be factoring in a probability of the growth not continuing for too long. That is, he/she may need more data to more positively asses the growth profile of the international arm to better understand where the overall company is headed.
    Last edited by pods: 17/04/15
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