"the Coalition isn't democratic, it's deeply fascist."Lapdog,...

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    "the Coalition isn't democratic, it's deeply fascist."

    Lapdog, this whole topic fascinates me, not least because it is pertinent to where we are now and where we are heading. We know from stockmarkets that we should "follow the trend until the bend at the end". Well, until this trend turns down we can assume it will continue to play out.

    This article 'Is Trump a fascist? 8 experts weigh in' is excellent. The first 7 experts miss the point but the last one nails it. It was published before the election so i assume a few positions may have changed somewhat since.

    Jason Stanley, Jacob Urowsky professor of philosophy, Yale University

    When I think about fascism, I think about it as applied to different things. There’s a fascist regime. We do not have a fascist regime. Then there’s the question of, “Is Trumpism a fascist social and political movement?” I think you could call legitimately call Trumpism a fascist social and political movement — which is not to say that Trump is a fascist. Trumpism involves a cult of the leader, and Trump embodies that. I certainly think he’s using fascist political tactics. I think there’s no question about that. He is calling for national restoration in the face of humiliations brought on by immigrants, liberals, liberal minorities, and leftists. He’s certainly playing the fascist playbook.

    My definition is of fascist politics, not of a fascist regime. I think most of the other [fascism scholars] are just talking about something else. They’re talking about regimes. Toni Morrison in 1995 said the United States has long favored fascist solutions to national problems. Toni Morrison is talking about “fascist solutions.” She’s not talking about fascist regimes. She’s saying the United States has long favored fascist solutions in a democratic state, which I completely agree with: targeting minorities, mass incarceration, colonialism, seizing indigenous land. All these things are things that impacted Hitler. My work is based in the United States — it’s based in the movements that affected European fascism: the KKK, Jim Crow, the anti-miscegenation law, slavery, Indigenous genocide, the 1924 Immigration Act and similar US immigration laws that Hitler lauds in Mein Kampf.

    If you’re only worried about fascist regimes, you’re never going to catch fascist social and political movements. The goal is to catch fascist social and political movements, and fascist ideology, before it becomes a regime.


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