@TauriskPrior to my last move, had at least 10 garage sales...

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    Prior to my last move, had at least 10 garage sales weekend after weekend to lighten the load. Could not believe the amount of stuff that was amassed over the time lived at the last home. Was a little weary of 'strangers' but the worst part was when the sign indicated 'start at 9.00 am and 'sharks' turned up at 7.00 with excuses and of course seeing things go for a song after paying top dollar and people still wanting to haggle.

    So far had 2 garage sales at current abode (same time issue) and badly needing another few after being here for sometime. Amazing creatures of materialistic buying power/prowess - like a bed pan - saves 'sleep' walking and legs and getting out of a warm bed for too long. See such items in historical homes and also copper pots and pans and rather smelly kerosene lamps - rather worse than any gas appliances that are now on the chopping block. Being a food thread - kinda 'farm to table' thus must include 'food to loo' or perhaps 'drinks to pee' and those coppers and that wooden (though some are plastic) chopping block. what.png Have an all metal mincer - yet to soil it chunks of meat - washing up syndrome.

    Re Georges River - nice area though occasional flooding - memories from days gone past having lived in a rental in Padstow for a while - river not that far away but was far enough when river in flood. The abode was kind of a nice little 'pad' 'stowed' away way back on a block of a big beautiful green backyard with huge trees - very private, very basic and very small - no space for hoarding thus no garage sales.

    Baked cheese cake - another one of those finer things in life. During the coming week, intend to visit a 'french' bakery for some delicacies though expect higher 'french' pricing particularly now - perhaps a mini croissant.

    Re mental health - gone mental years ago and the health is not far behind - such is life. No wonder they make movies like 'The good, the bad and the ugly'. The mentality now is just to enjoy food - fatty and sweet - all the 'good' things that are 'bad' - so as some turn out 'ugly'. eek.pngwink.png smile.png
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