I sort of like politicans like Hanson ----------- I also liked...

  1. 86,007 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    I sort of like politicans like Hanson ----------- I also liked Russ Hinze from years back -

    I surely didn't like what they stood for or what they did - but, I liked that they were honest about it

    Hanson is out there - she doesn't hide from what she is.

    Hinze - I remember clear as day because I was involved in a graft and corruption situation then about the time with the nats -

    anyway - Hinze got sprung selling real estate out of his political office - which, of course was a no no -

    well - the media fronted him and said ----------- look - you've been caught selling real estate from a government office -

    well - he didn't hide - not a bit - all he said was (not exact words probably - but, close enough) --

    'well, if people don't like it - then, I'll stop'

    boom - game over - he just walked away unscathed - I quite admired that - I thought - well, at least he's honest - AND, he just defused the whole thing on the spot - what could they say --------- it was really quite masterful in a way

    I never had much to do with him personally, I dealt with a couple of the other ones in the club there - but, one of my family did buy the Oxenford that he owned ------ a politically interesting era
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