media trying to pump the property market, page-22

  1. 3,704 Posts.

    If you are deciding that the comparison should be "compare average returns on the basis of the average return of the WHOLE market compared to the AVERAGE return WHOLE other market" then please define those terms.

    "average return of the WHOLE market" with regard to shares is what? The All Ords growth?

    "average return of the WHOLE market" with regard to property is what? Australian median price growth?

    Sure we can do that, dig up some historical data but what is the point of it? How does it help you increase wealth, isn's that what we are all here for?

    I wasn't suggesting that we cherry pick examples to fling at each other because as you have correctly pointed out that is also useless.

    The first one, the general one, is a philosophical discussion point with little practical benefit the second path of anecdotal chest beating won't solve anything.

    What I advocated earlier is that all three investment classes hold benefits for the investor, all three will enrich us.

    This forum has polarised everyone. You have yourself and Blueballs (and the banned Zen_Machine) who are telling everyone to steer clear of property, maybe you are right or maybe you are wrong (certainly the years you have spent advocating this have not borne fruit, you'd have to admit that). Then you have the property bulls (me included) that are tired of being told it won't work when it clearly has up till now, for us.

    I know, you are going to say well it won't over the next few years and I am tired of that too.

    What I would like this thread to be about is "I want to invest, what are the relative merits of various cities and areas" or "I want to learn the mechanics of property investment, or I want to be better at it, who can help?"

    Surely this would be a more productive use of everyone's time than the rubbush which pollutes this discussion thread.

    I really don't see what your motivation is and what Blueballs' motivation is, I cannot see what you stand to gain personally from all the "property will die" posts.
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