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    Here's just a few pointers / hints for you to look into / research further that will hopefully Help with the kids eczema

    Personally, if it was my Son or Daughter, I would be looking into / trying all other options before putting anyone on " The Cannabis Bus " imo.

    Good luck - Frank

    What's to know about eczema?

    The symptoms of atopic dermatitis can vary, depending on the age of the person with the condition.

    Atopic dermatitis commonly occurs in infants, with dry and scaly patches appearing on the skin. These patches are often intensely itchy.

    Most people develop atopic dermatitis before the age of 5 years. Half of those who develop the condition in childhood continue to have symptoms as an adult.

    However, these symptoms are often different to those experienced by children.

    People with the condition will often experience periods of time where their symptoms flare up or worsen, followed by periods of time where their symptoms will improve or clear up.

    Symptoms in infants under 2 years old
    • Rashes commonly appear on the scalp and cheeks.
    • Rashes usually bubble up before leaking fluid.
    • Rashes can cause extreme itchiness. This may interfere with sleeping. Continuous rubbing and scratching can lead to skin infections.

    Symptoms in children aged 2 years until puberty

    • Rashes commonly appear behind the creases of elbows or knees.
    • They are also common on the neck, wrists, ankles, and the crease between buttock and legs.
    Over time, the following symptoms can occur:
    • Rashes can become bumpy.
    • Rashes can lighten or darken in color.
    • Rashes can thicken in a process known as lichenification. The rashes can then develop knots and a permanent itch.


    There are several medications that doctors can prescribe to treat the symptoms of eczema, including:
    • Topical corticosteroid creams and ointments: These are a type of anti-inflammatory medication and should relieve the main symptoms of eczema, such as skin inflammation and itchiness. They are applied directly to the skin. If you want to buy topical corticosteroid creams and ointments, then there is an excellent selection online with thousands of customer reviews.
    • Systemic corticosteroids: If topical treatments are not effective, systemic corticosteroids can be prescribed. These are either injected or taken by mouth, and they are only used for short periods of time.
    • Antibiotics: These are prescribed if eczema occurs alongside a bacterial skin infection.
    • Antiviral and antifungal medications: These can treat fungal and viral infections that occur.
    • Antihistamines: These reduce the risk of nighttime scratching as they can cause drowsiness.
    • Topical calcineurin inhibitors: This is a type of drug that suppresses the activities of the immune system. It decreases inflammation and helps prevent flare-ups.
    • Barrier repair moisturizers: These reduce water loss and work to repair the skin.
    • Phototherapy: This involves exposure to ultraviolet A or B waves, alone or combined. The skin will be monitored carefully. This method is normally used to treat moderate dermatitis.
    Even though the condition itself is not yet curable, there should be a particular treatment plan to suit each person with different symptoms. Even after an area of skin has healed, it is important to keep looking after it, as it may easily become irritated again.

    Are you or a loved one living with eczema/atopic dermatitis?

    Find new treatment options from clinical trials currently enrolling near you.

    Find Clinical Trials Now

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    Hemp Cream/St. Johns Wort/Calendula 60g

    This combination has successfully been used for Arthritic, Muscular & Joint pain, good for itchy skin, rashes, stings, helps heal wounds, skin care.

    Made from organic Cannabis Sativa, St. Johns Wort & Calendula infused in Almond Oil, Shea Butter, White Turmeric, Bees Wax, Essential Oils of Frankincense & Myrhh.

    $22 inc. gst

    Hemp Cream/St. Johns Wort/Calendula 30g

    This combination has been successfully used for Arthritic, Muscular & Joint pain, good for itchy skin, rashes, stings, helps heal wounds.

    Made from organic Cannabis Sativa, St. Johns Wort & Calendula infused in Almond Oil, Shea Butter, White Turmeric, Bees Wax, Essential Oils of Frankincense & Myrrh

    $11 inc. gst

    Hemp Cream/Cinnamon 60 gr.

    Made from infused Cannabis Sativa Oil, with Bees Wax, Turmeric and Essential Oil of Cinnamon Bark

    Hemp oil benefits list
    Last reviewed Thu 14 February 2019
    By Jon Johnson
    Reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, PhD, MSN, RN, IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT
    1. Skin health
    2. Brain health
    3. Heart health
    4. Full-spectrum hemp oil benefits
    5. Takeaway and future research
    Hemp oil can refer to a full-spectrum oil from the Cannabis sativa plant or hemp seed oil, which is oil that comes from just the seeds of the hemp plant.
    CBD and hemp seed oil are totally different things—here’s what to know

    In this plant-happy world we live in, you can find me slathering cannabidiol or CBD on my muscles to relieve soreness, applying it to my skin to soothe inflammation, and dropping it into my daily water for stress relief. In fairness, I’m drinking the proverbial Kool-Aid, but until recently I didn’t recognize the difference between hemp oil vs CBD oil, and as it happens, there’s a big one.

    These days, the green-washing on CBD products can be hard to navigate, and the vocab one needs to navigate the CBD-lined shelves is extensive to say the least. Brands want to get in on the much-praised benefits, after all—but the issue here is that the terms being marketed under the “cannabis” umbrella aren’t all the same thing.
    Truth be told, oftentimes, you’ll see the cannabis plant touted on a label, but the specific ingredient being used isn’t so crystal clear. And there are any number of ingredients that can come from the cannabis or hemp plants from hemp oil to CBD oil to cannabis sativa seed oil, each of which have their own unique benefits, despite often being used interchangeably. To clear up the confusion, I sought out advice from the pros.

    CBD oil

    CBD is a term signifying a component of the cannabis plant that comes with the much-talked about anti-inflammatory benefits, and you’re seeing it on everything from skin-care products to high-vibe tinctures. It’s extracted from the leaves, flowers, and stalks of the cannabis plant. “Cannabidiol—known as CBD—is one of over a hundred active compounds or cannabinoids found exclusively in the cannabis plant,” says Cindy Capobianco, co-founder of Lord Jones.

    “CBD acts as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory, which reduces pain and inflammation. It’s been used for centuries to successfully provide pain relief to muscle aches, arthritis, joint pain, neuropathic conditions, headaches, and to aid skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, even sunburn, and bug bites when used topically.” Phew.

    When ingested, Capobianco notes that the anti-inflammatory powers remain, and it “provides relief from anxiety and promotes a calm sense of well-being,” she says.

    The cannabinoid itself is a potent, highly anti-inflammatory antioxidant.

    “It’s been shown in multiple studies to reduce lipid product from the sebaceous glands—and the overproduction of this sebum is what leads to acne,” says Ashley Lewis, co-founder of Fleur Marché, a new online CBD retail destination. You’ll see it on product labels as the following terms: CBD, hemp CBD, and phytocannabinoid-rich hemp oil. Hence the obvious confusion.

    Hemp oil

    Hemp seed oil, on the other hand, is relative to many other carrier oils—along the lines of sunflower seed oil and jojoba oil—in that it’s a cold-pressed extract from seeds.

    “Hemp seed oil, sometimes referred to as cannabis sativa seed oil, is perfectly good seed oil that’s high in antioxidants, omega-3 and -6 fatty acids, but contains no CBD,” explains Capobianco.

    “Hemp seed or cannabis sativa seed oil has been available in health food stores for decades and abundantly present in smoothies and skin care.”

    So this means it has absolutely no cannabinoids in it—not CBD, THC, or CBN, says Lewis.

    “It’s generally viewed as a superfood and is great for adding nutritional value to your diet,” she says.

    “In terms of skin care, it’s known as a powerful moisturizer and skin softener that doesn’t clog pores or contribute to oily skin—it has a comedogenic rating of zero.” It shows up on the product label as hemp seed oil, cannabis sativa (hemp) seed oil, virgin hemp oil, and hemp oil.

    The problem with the mix-up

    Since both are essentially wellness ingredients, you won’t exactly be harmed if you accidentally purchase or use one instead of the other; however, if you’re trying to reap the maximum benefits of CBD oil, hemp seed oil won’t deliver…which is a problem considering that these oils don’t come cheap.

    “Unfortunately, we see a number of brands cynically cashing in on the popularity and cannabis trend and even making false claims that their products contain CBD when they contain none,” says Capobianco. “Some brands are calling hemp seed oil cannabis sativa oil, which is deceiving.”

    Sure, they both come from the same plant, but they’re significantly different beyond that:

    “The biggest issue is that hemp seed oil and CBD are two totally different compounds that come from different parts of the hemp plant, have different makeups, and different benefits,” says Lewis.

    “Marketing them as the same thing just isn’t accurate and does a disservice to consumers who are expecting certain benefits that they won’t get from hemp seed oil and who are often paying more for what they think is CBD.”

    To make sure you’re not falling into any marketing traps, it’s key to check the product label.

    “If you’re looking for the unique benefits of CBD, make sure you’re purchasing a product that clearly states it contains it,” says Capobianco.

    “Read labels, ask questions, and know what you’re buying.”

    That savviness will help the wellness industry continue to reap—and normalize—the plant’s benefits, which is a win-win for all.

    On a similar note, this is what happened when I swapped out my beauty routine for all CBD skin-care products. And this is the low-down on CBN, the other cannabinoid you should know about.

    Hemp Oil for Skin

    mce-anchor How does hemp oil benefit your skin?

    There are a number of skin care benefits that you can get from using hempseed oil, either topically or by consuming it.
    Moderates oil production

    Hemp oil is perfect for most skin types as it can moisturize without clogging your pores. It can even help to balance out oily skin, hydrating it and regulating the skin’s oil production.

    Dryness can also cause your skin to overproduce oil, which in turn, can stimulate acne.
    Hemp oil can prevent dry skin without clogging pores. This helps reduce acne that’s caused by excess oil.
    Moisturizes and soothes inflammation

    One of the omega-6 fatty acids that hemp oil contains is gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory while simultaneously encouraging skin growth and new cell generation.

    This can help to calm inflammation and irritation on the skin, including acne and some conditions like psoriasis, while keeping the skin nourished and moisturized.
    Treats atopic dermatitis

    Part of what makes hempseed oil so beneficial to the skin is that it’s rich in omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Consuming these nutrients can help to treat skin conditions like atopic dermatitis.

    One randomized, single-blind crossover study found evidence that dietary hempseed oil reduced the symptoms and appearance of clinical atopic dermatitis after 20 weeks.

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