medicare co-payment proposal to be dropped

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    Another Abbott policy about to come crashing down it seems as it is being reported  that the GP co-payment proposal is to be dropped. A Shambolic episode with Abbott trying to circumvent Parliament by using regulations to introduce a drop of $20 in the medicare rebate to doctors and that also fell apart due to the outrage from doctors and the public.

    Backflips the order of the day. More backflips to come.

    From our ABC News:
    "Coalition MPs have been told that the contentious GP co-payment has been dumped, confirming a statement by the Assistant Treasurer last night that it was dropped because "there wasn't enough support for it".
    Federal Cabinet discussed the move last night and the decision has been taken to the joint party room this morning.
    Last night, Josh Frydenberg revealed the decision while talking to the ABC's Tony Jones on Q&A.

    Coalition MPs have been told that the contentious GP co-payment has been dumped, confirming a statement by the Assistant Treasurer last night that it was dropped because "there wasn't enough support for it".
    Federal Cabinet discussed the move last night and the decision has been taken to the joint party room this morning.
    Last night, Josh Frydenberg revealed the decision while talking to the ABC's Tony Jones on Q&A."
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