Apocalyptic, Mega-Monster, Super-Killer North Sea Storm Brewing,...

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    Apocalyptic, Mega-Monster, Super-Killer North Sea Storm Brewing, Will Crush Northern Europe By End Of Week!

    These are just some of the key headline words Europeans can expect to see and hear by Thursday and Friday.

    The media, climate activists, and reinsurers are already salivating massively.

    For sure the scientists at the PIK and Mojib Latif are already practicing their lines. They’re eagerly standing by their phones, ready for the media at a second’s notice.

    The end of times is approaching. We should have all reduced that carbon footprint of ours. But we didn’t, and so get ready to pay.

    Most of the weather misery, however will have been caused by black carbon witchcraft…cast by the 90 or so top carbon emitters, who have now been clearly identified. Once the violent storm passes, the climate witch-hunters will be out in full force, calling for the immediate purge of the carbon witches…bonfires will be burning at almost every town square. Let’s not waste time with trials.

    Powerful North Sea storm brewing

    The weather models are showing that a major winter hurricane-force storm will be sweeping across northern Europe Thursday and Friday. The chart above shows it’s going to be a powerful one, and so you may want to tie down that lawn and garden furniture, etc. Forget the stroll in the forest.

    Meteorologist Dominik Jung at wetter.net writes that the pressure at the storm’s centre will drop to a rock bottom 960 mb by Thursday evening. Meanwhile at the storms outer edge the pressure will be around 1023 mb. That’s a difference of 56 mb across Germany!

    ROFL what a bunk of greentoid losers

    - See more at: http://notrickszone.com/2013/12/03/apocalyptic-mega-monster-super-killer-storm-brewing-will-crush-northern-europe-by-end-of-week/#sthash.Y9pML9go.dpuf
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