melbourne hc meet in june

  1. 8,720 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 81
    Hi All

    Following hot on the heels of last week's successful Brissy3 HC meet, where around 50 members from all over the country attended (although most were banana-benders), I indicated I would organise a Melbourne meet, tentatively for June (I believe there is a possibility of a meet in either Adelaide or Perth in August?).

    Anyway, June in Melbourne has the Queen's birthday weekend which includes Monday 14th June. I have selected 2 weekends as possible dates for the meet - Friday/Saturday 19th/20th and Friday/Saturday 26th/27th - in order to see which weekend suits the most people, before nailing the dates to one of those weekends.

    While details are sketchy at present (i.e. I havent worked out many details as yet), I can advise the following:

    1. The schedule will be similar to the last Brissy meet, starting on Friday evening and continuing on Saturday, so as to allow folks to break the ice over Friday arvo/evening drinks before getting started.

    2. There is already one potential sponsor for the event (a HC sponsor) and a potential venue has kindly been made available by a HC member. Further developments in this area will hopefully keep the cost down (Brissy3 was only $50 - dirt cheap for the benefits we got from attending) - the cost will be advised and will in part depend on numbers, sponsors and venue.

    3. The presentation agenda will be similar as Brissy3, including but not limited to a range of member-speakers speaking on different topics of interest, probably a couple of sponsor presentations, perhaps a trading workshop given by one of our experienced trader members, and more...

    4. I will be seeking to secure some of the most respected and experienced HC members' attendance as obviously the rest of us will want to learn from them.

    I know a number of people have expressed interest in attending, so now here is your chance to lodge your expression of interest. In order to make the process manageable, i would ask you to send an expression of interest to me by email at

    [email protected]

    If doing so please advise the following:

    1. Which of the two weekends indicated you CANNOT attend. The weekend with the least number of cannot attends will most likely be selected.

    2. Interest in attending is either tentative or confirmed.

    3. Whether you are local (Melbourne) or interstate and therefore require accomodation. I will be doing some research into the best option for accomodation and advise in due course.

    I will post an update here each weekend and by email to those who have written in toadvise of news related to preparation, etc.

    I hope to see as many of you as possible in Melbourne. Brissy3 was a fantastic experience from all reports (and from my experience), and hopefully we can make the Melbourne event at least as good - thanks to the efforts particularly of Baps, but also Robx7 and Archer.

    Cheers, Sharks.
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