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    Fringe benefits
    February 25, 2010

    FOR 22 years, Nola Dunn (pictured) has watched Melbourne's sprawl creep ever closer, threatening the life she and her husband set out to make together. They bought their 27-hectare Rockbank property in Melbourne's west to create a rural lifestyle for themselves and their family. One day, they hoped, they would hand it on to their children.

    ''No one wanted the land when we bought, it was dirt roads, full of weeds,'' she said.

    While it was not an investment but a lifestyle choice, the site soared in value in December 2008 when it was marked as part of the western extension of Melbourne's boundary.

    That didn't stop her celebrating this week's defeat of the government's plan to extend the urban growth boundary, which she believed threatened her lifestyle.

    Elsewhere, industry figures and planning experts were pointing to disarray in strategic planning for Melbourne's future.

    Others see opportunity: a time to pause, catch their breath and consider what sort of city we want Melbourne to become.

    The December 2008 plan to extend the urban growth boundary was a big departure for the state's Labor government.

    It followed the release in October 2002, by then premier Steve Bracks, of a plan to redefine Melbourne after decades of piecemeal, ad-hoc expansion that created a seemingly never-ending suburbia. Order was to be reimposed.

    And that order was to be one of the key legacies of the Bracks government - the ''30-year plan for Melbourne's growth''.

    The main feature of the plan, Melbourne 2030, was a growth boundary for Melbourne to stop urban sprawl.

    Bracks said the new limit was ''an acknowledgement our current pattern of development is incompatible with the kind of place we want Melbourne to be''.

    Under his successor, John Brumby, the plan has been redrawn to allow massive expansion in the paddocks surrounding Melbourne.

    But on Tuesday night in State Parliament's upper house, Brumby's new dawn of city planning collapsed.

    Land included within Melbourne's boundary since November 2005 was to attract an $80,000-a-hectare infrastructure tax on sale or subdivision, and the new land brought inside the boundary following the December announcement was to face a $95,000-a-hectare fee.

    It was the imposition and handling of this new development tax, which Planning Minister Justin Madden estimated would collect about $2 billion over 20 years, that galvanised land owners, developers and eventually the state opposition to oppose the laws.

    The plan's collapse has been welcomed by some planning experts who are calling for a rethink on how Melbourne will evolve. Will it be a city of equal access to services? Or will it be a city in which three cars and long daily commutes to work and entertainment are all that are on offer for those on Melbourne's fringe?

    A central plank of the Brumby plan - massive expansion of the city's limits by 43,000 hectares - is now dead.

    The plan included thousands of hectares of new residential land in the west past Caroline Springs; thousands more hectares beyond Cranbourne in the east; while the biggest expansion was to be to the north, taking Melbourne's northern edge out into the green fields along the Hume Highway almost as far as Wallan.

    The government's now moribund strategic plan for Melbourne's growth, Melbourne @ 5 million, included a plan to expand the urban boundary to accommodate 134,000 new homes.

    One developer who lobbied the government and opposition hard to come to agreement on the urban expansion said the collapse of the plan meant his company's 6000 extra homes planned for the city's fringe would not proceed.

    The developer, who did not want to be named, said: ''We are disappointed the current land supply inside the boundary in some corridors is only going to last two or three years.''

    But Professor Rob Moodie, who headed the Melbourne 2030 Audit Expert Group, said the collapse of the plan was a golden chance for Melbourne's future. ''This a great opportunity to revamp the essential aims of Melbourne 2030,'' he said.

    He said if Melburnians wanted their families to be able to live in the same suburbs they grew up in, then a greater spread of higher housing density was required. ''We have all got to share the burden.''

    Now was a ''great opportunity for greater creativity from the developers as well, and I think there are greater opportunities to develop urban consolidation within activity centres''.

    He said the defeat of the tax and urban expansion plans was ''a way of encouraging the state to focus on its original intent'', referring to the Melbourne 2030 plan.

    RMIT associate professor of urban planning Michael Buxton, who advised the Victorian government on the Melbourne 2030 planning strategy, is not disappointed about the collapse of the Brumby plan.

    Buxton said the government had been ''spooked'' by the development lobby into extending the city's limits.

    Claims of rising land prices due to a scarcity of supply were false, he said, and population growth was no reason to pursue the expansion.

    ''It's got nothing to do with fitting population in, it's got nothing to do with land scarcity, it's got everything to do with the government's failure, its gutlessness, in refusing to take on the big developers,'' he said. ''And who suffers? The city does, we all do, but the people who suffer most are the ones who have got to go and buy these houses.''

    Buxton said the government should now be looking at higher-density living and improved rail services to regional centres to cope with the city's expansion. ''Even if the government's [population growth] projections are accurate, and that's a big if over a 30-year period, that doesn't justify continuing with our business-as-usual practices of just maintaining Melbourne's spread.''

    Greens MP Greg Barber, who voted against the tax, said farm land and native vegetation had to be protected.

    PROPERTY Council executive director Jennifer Cunich attacked the government and opposition for not coming to terms over the new urban expansion, but added that the focus should now turn to development in Melbourne's existing urban areas.

    ''If you want to take a positive out of it, let's work on speeding up development in existing urban centres,'' she said.

    The massive expansion announced by Brumby appeared at first glance a massive win for land owners and developers, but there was a sting in the tail of the Brumby government's announcement - the new development tax.

    Madden vowed that the urban expansion would not occur without the tax - which would meet 15 per cent of the total cost of building new infrastructure such as schools and hospitals in the growth areas.

    A report, commissioned by the state Department of Planning and released last year, cites research that found ''for every 1000 dwellings, the cost for infill development [in existing suburbs] is $309 million and the cost of fringe developments is $653 million''.

    So, when the Parliament voted down the growth areas tax on Tuesday night, the central focus of the Brumby plan Melbourne @ 5 million was quashed, and that meant Melbourne's urban growth boundary is not moving any time soon.

    The government gave every indication yesterday that it had placed all its planning eggs in one basket. Asked what was next now that his plan had been torpedoed, Madden handed planning responsibility for the state over to the opposition.

    ''We've got a plan and it was voted down in the upper house by a coalition of the Liberal Party the National Party and the Greens,'' he said. ''There will be now no extension of the urban growth boundary. Melbourne will continue to grow, families will continue to have children, we will continue to need more housing. That's unarguable.''

    But some in the development industry, which opposed the timing of the growth areas tax, are now calling on the government to expand Melbourne's limits regardless.

    Brian Welch, executive director of the Master Builders Association of Victoria, said not expanding the city's boundaries would affect affordability and housing options. ''If there isn't more land released, then we can't build the number of houses we need for the population that we have got, [and] they will go somewhere else,'' he said, and this would put Victoria's economic health at risk.

    The Housing Industry Association's Victorian executive director, Gil King, accused the government of ''holding the housing industry to ransom'' with the growth areas tax. ''How can Premier John Brumby break his commitment to ensure adequate land supply into the future?''

    Out in the firing line of urban expansion, Nola Dunn, who joined community group Taxed Out to fight the government's expansion plans, is breathing easier on a property which holds important memories for her.

    In recent years, she lost her husband, Graeme, who worked for years to restore the property, and their son. She now shares her Rockbank home with her daughter.

    ''We wanted to live here and we wanted our children to live here and we wanted our children's children to live here - we bought this with a long-term vision of staying here forever,'' she said.

    ''My fear now is urban expansion will eventually come and we will be pushed out by rates. Money means nothing to me - it's my property and the memories that we have put into this place and you cannot buy that.'' With

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