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  1. 35,881 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 202
    "While you are a politician being paid by the Australian public ,I would have thought a higher standard of moral code should be upheld..."

    So did Pyne and Albanese upset you as well with their past behavior?

    "As a private citizen I would not have a problem, he chose to become a public figure he should live up to that position not grubbing around in sleazy bars with possibly underage girls , what happened to his partner."

    Many years ago I did Bar Work. Having served at the Bar at the after party of the Mardi Gras I'd say there are plenty of public figures that attend and unlike your aspersions about under aged girls, I didn't see anything untoward from the Bar other than the amount of drugs sticky taped to the cash they handed over for their drinks.

    As for supplying towels and toilet paper to the toilets you can have that job.

    Also swimming at the old Boy Chalton Pool in Woolloomooloo back in the 1990's is another place that unhealthy behavior occurred.

    You should get out into the real world and worry about real issues and only accuse people of activities that you have solid proof of instead of relying on innuendo.

    1. While you are a politician being paid by the Australian public ,I would have thought a higher standard of moral code should be upheld , although he has had some good teachers of moral code from other members of the LNP. As a private citizen I would not have a problem, he chose to become a public figure he should live up to that position not grubbing around in sleazy bars with possibly underage girls , what happened to his partner.
      1. While you are a politician being paid by the Australian public ,I would have thought a higher standard of moral code should be upheld , although he has had some good teachers of moral code from other members of the LNP. As a private citizen I would not have a problem, he chose to become a public figure he should live up to that position not grubbing around in sleazy bars with possibly underage girls , what happened to his partner.


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