Men in balaclavas stopped and arrested on Australia Day: but for what?, page-63

  1. 7,158 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    In amongst the libtard threats and insults, I think a few people have missed my point here. I haven't qualified how I stand on the politics of Tom Sewell and his followers.

    I understand they (as white nationalists) are absolutely the only group who can't play identity politics in Australia. As far as I know, they threatened no one and sought only to counter protest those in favour of abolishing Australia day.

    So not violent on a day when other groups playing identity politics were free to burn flags, destroy a statue, and rubbish an Australian history that has provided them a secure country in which to live. Not violent on a day where, elsewhere in the world, a Jewish group can openly identify as such and thereby blockade resources intended for an innocent group in desperate need of assistance.

    Their "crime" is mainly that they advocate for white independence, an almost certain consequence of the bombardment of white people (and their rights to be left alone) for the last 80 years. Their politics is that of every Australian PM for nearly a century, and yet now they must be silent while every single other identity group self promotes in open daylight.

    Contrast that with Britain where now, to even suggest that a white life might matter is to risk facing charges. Only the sick modern day liberal fails to see this as an injustice, the problem being that the sick modern day liberals are popping up everywhere.
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