Mentalist123, page-25

  1. 839 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 293
    Hi Mental, at this point in time I'd probably give it a 3 out of 10 chance of survival in the short term. The main reason for this is we simply don't know, the company hasn't given us any justification to believe otherwise.
    Signing a short term lone on those terms is clearly a last through of the dice. Buts it's alot to pay back in 90 days and I suspect the ongoing costs will be eating up most if not all the revenue. Plus we don't even know when the GAM plant lease ends.
    The only reason I have it at a 3 and not a 1 is BM might manage to pull some more money and dilution from somewhere. We know is much much better at that then producing gold.

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