Mentalist123, page-10

  1. 578 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 99
    if your asking me, im not a consultant. just someone who has been in the mining game for a long time. lived it and made the mistakes. the info isn't anything special. all mining people know what I've shared or a slight version to the metrics/ theory as they don't really change. problem is, either ego or inexperience gets in the road of the expected outcomes Ive found in most cases.

    personally from an investing perspective I like finding the problem companies, or unloved mines where there is opportunity to change something and turn it around. usually when it does, it's a multi number return.

    my investment thesis for tba was pretty simple. they had a small reaource and bought a cheap processing plant. whilst big question mark over the management at the time, didn't believe they could make that much of a mess...
    unfortunately I was wrong.
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