TBA 0.00% 2.6¢ tombola gold ltd

Mentalist123, page-14

  1. 290 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 101
    Chalco, we allUnderstand what you say. What my met mate said was:Oldcar said if the AISC was $A2,500 and a $500 per-ounce profit x 51,000 ounces it would only have a profit of $7.5m.That actual statement in its context is incorrect. No-one was talking about resources or reserves.Wasn’t even part of the HC discussion. Merely pointing out that oldcar that 51,000 x $500 is not $7.5m. Chalco, Oldcar knows that, he’s a smart experienced mining industry campaigner,you don’t need to explain something that’s not even in the discussion.We are talking simple-maths. We are not talking reserves/crush fraction size, resources/metallurgical/cyanide consumption/recoveries/grind size/leach cycles or times/pH levels/ball size & mill % charge/carbon size/kiln carbon regeneration/temperature of cyanide for carbon strip/acid type to dissolve steel wool and temperature of gold pour.We are talking simple mathematics not semantics. Regardless even, if the reserve was for all of the tonnes we bought from TNC @ 2.7g/t Au and was open cut to a depth of 40m deep x 400m along strike and 70m wide out with a 4:1 strip ratio and the ore was highly oxidised with all met work saying 98% recovery with only 24 hours resonance time and I kg of Cyanide and one kg of lime per tonne and proven to be economical this mob could not mine it profitably. At least do we agree on that? They are inexperienced morons.We could all save our fingers if oldcar said “Sh#t hit wrong~button on calculator, yeah your right” Mental it is at $2m a bit cheap with $500 ounce with AISC and $A25,500,000 instead of doing a TBA on us. I’m only the messenger.
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