Thankyou very much
I seem not to have any GAs left for today, else I would have given one to you.
Excellent presentation by MEP that I will trawl through- very informative.
Reposting Glenn Little’s excellent presentation in this thread also :
& Minotaur -
I didn’t fully post the other links as they would have come up as large youtube presentations to click on and they did not relate directly to Minotaur (Demetallica) holdings in Cloncurry district- but they are also recommended viewing as relates to very exciting discoveries and work by Carnaby at Duchess, As well as the other neighbouring companies exploration results.
The UQ Paul Tan (Carnaby exploration manager ) presentation in December- references historical mining (~ WW1 era included ) and drilling and exploration by past exploration companies ( Longreach Resouces ~ 1960s? ) , Western mining of course.
Past exploration had different parameters- not the IP , and overall geophysics analysis methods now available to geologists.
Even so, it seems like voodoo to a degree to uncover these deposits !
Particularly in radius around Mt Isa - eg. MIM teams, totally missed what Carnaby maybe now discovered as well as how Minotaur worked to uncover Jericho , & analysed east of Mt Isa.
Highlands- ex MEP - apparently “we” own newly listed Larvotto shares !
(Demetallica, or ADN to gain the cash payments ? And who owns the shares and any future royalties ??)
With Coopers , both are north of Duchess, in now these highly prospective areas with high grade copper outcroppings + past artisanal and actual copper and gold mining .
Cloncurry region is very exciting.
(I drove there in sept - big roadtrip for several months. I didn’t feel like moving there
- hot and dry though some great local hotel meals where they seemed to be booked out every night for dinner ! )
I had very much wanted to check out the Cloncurry region - Minotaur holdings as has been so material to me and folloeee for so many years . (My trip was pre- ADN takeover announcement ) , as well as to go to the incredibly prospective Charters Towers / Ravenswood, and west and south of Townsville area inland .
Some very interesting rocks still in the back of my car
Charters and then Ravenswood & staying at one of the hotels a life experience in itself !
Notably -
Newcrest have this large area - particularly over Mt Isa - Cloncurry larger area as well as into NT ; + the Charters Towers region separately - marked on their global map as being most prospective for a potential global Tier
One major base metals / precious metals discovery .
Of course the SA area also very compelling.
This has been Minotaur’s focus - to seek large important resources discoveries, that been missed or difficult to find in the past. Oz Minerals collaboration was very helpful for selection of target areas.
I realised something yesterday - that I am also a “discovery investor”
(Resources and Health + companies with growth / excellent management as well as projects / assets )
Willem Middlekoop interview last week stumbled across.
He runs a global commodities fund focused on the top 100 world discoveries( $200 million in funds management) - they buy and hold the companies until the resources or companies are inevitably taken over.
Unusually for the history of the fund- they are now investing about 25% in Australian resource discoveries.
He said that Australia is still very underexplored - compared to where they had been mostly based in Canada and North America , some South America .
They consider jurisdiction and share structure and management especially, but are now ‘commodities agnostic’.
I posted the reference as apart from the most notable large resources discoveries in Australia in recent years which I think most of us can think of (Challice. Great Eastland , maybe DEG)
— at the end of the interview as reference for right now, excellent new discovery, he named the Cloncurry area discoveries. (by Carnaby)
*Other land area, MEP owns new shares in, is very nearby with known mineralisation also.
Also - east of Cloncurry, Eloise has made new discovery to potentially extend their mine & Jericho is an important discovery and amalgamated land area owned by MEP nearby.
I think we see further exploration and development in both of these regions nearterm- between Mt Isa and Cloncurry/ Mary Kathleen environs also , and SE of Cloncurry , where Demetallica to be / Eloise and others are situated.