BRN 4.60% 41.5¢ brainchip holdings ltd

Mercedes uses Akida, page-353

  1. 999 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 296
    Awesome validation for the company and the technology.

    If mercedes can make BRN SP rise 15c in a day without a formal announcement to the market, what will an announcement from Valeo do?
    Remember this about Valeo:

    BRN signed Joint Agreement with Tier-1 Automotive Supplier VALEO on the 8th June 2020.

    Did Mercedes jump the gun bc they know of a string of other Valso customers that are going to implement the same technology.
    Jumpimng in allows them to claim the 'first in history' to implement what may become the most disruptive technology of the decade century.

    This clip, offered in prior posts, links Valeo and BRNs agreement directly to the timeline for the development of the EQXX mentioned at 1:44:

    work towards pulling 5% of the 200 billion market in the automotive industry semi conductor space by 2040 has begun.

    and we have Anil now doing the congratulating post being official

    Happy days....and who is next? indeedsmile.png

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