Merkel's coalition collapsing, page-25

  1. 2,380 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 94
    This will get even more ugly soon.

    The young people leaving Africa with no welfare or prospects will find that it is almost always better for them, even if living on the streets.

    There will be enough success stories to keep the hope alive of individuals making the big time, like soccer players do from time to time.

    The numbers and relative birth rates are such that Europe must toughen up the rules or everyone will go under

    I have lived in Africa nland have African friends here. While there is undoubtedly some nice scenery and valuable resources, nobody really wants to live there unless they have to or are getting paid a lot to temporarily work there, as I did.

    The corruption in places like Nigeria is mind-numbing. Worse their population is 50% Muslim, 40% Christian, and 10% animism. Great recipe for chaos.

    The Marshall plan idea has merit, but China is best placed to take the role of US yet is not likely to sort out the corruption. Rather, I expect they will make it worse.

    Its not about race, its about what is in the people's hearts.

    The Bible, especially the Old Testament warns repeatedly about the perils of open borders. Having turned their backs on The Bible, Westerners are discovering this all over again.

    Fasten seatbelts!

    As the preflight announcement puts it "
    When the oxygen masks drop from the ceiling be sure to fit your own first, before helping even your own child"
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