Merkels Germany, Hundreds of of assaults now reported to police, page-97

  1. 3,131 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 76
    "When the Europeans look back to their warlike roots and cast off the veneer of civilised behaviour, it will be savage."

    Poor Germans, thinking that they were doing the right thing by offering shelter and comfort to these poor refugees - seeking atonement for their sins of WW2 - singing "kumbaya" as the refugees snaked their way into Germany .

    Little did the Germans realize what they were doing. Letting a viper into their homes. Starting to dawn on them now!!!!
    Even poor silly old Merkel is starting to wake up.

    German police standing down and letting the Muslims rape and pillage in Cologne and other cities.
    Wonder how long before the police stand down and let the Perida squads return the favour??
    Germans are a proud race and quick learners. Won't be long now and it will be savage.
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