Jessie.."Scientists need to decide whether they want to hang...

  1. 972 Posts.

    "Scientists need to decide whether they want to hang their hats up with the greenie activist"

    The so called eco-activists are using information discovered by the scientist, not the other way round.!!!!

    Some activists cherry pick facts to suit their argument but so do ignorant anti-science activists, like so many on this forum thread. Just blinded with ignorance.

    now, you can troll through the post and pick out comments that are emotive, your doing exactly what you have said is not forthcoming of an engineer or scientist.

    Is it wrong to label someone an idiot? An idiot and imbecile and moron are on the Binet scale? They are appropriate terms. Sometimes you have to call a spade a spade. Sometimes it is best to talk simple to simple people, get on their level into their way of thinking, to help them. I even offered to help explain using colourful blocks and shapes :)

    If I write "wrong, wrong wrong", it is used as an emphasis. to highlight someone who doesn't know what they are spouting. Just rubbish.

    I also said that take the Greenpeace animals icons with a grain of salt, but you do you agree that Google Maps doesn't show the detail required for assessing impact to habitat? No need to answer.
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