Message to their ABC, page-59

  1. 6,971 Posts.
    Let's be democratic. Split the ABC into halves. The current propaganda coterie can run the ALP's half and the other half can recruit balanced journalists who guarantee to always present both sides of an argument. Each half to be funded by subscription.

    Then we may get to hear how aboriginal women are making progress against the reign of terror that they are subjected to on a daily basis. The current version of the ABC refuses to lift a finger in support of these women. Instead they are bleeding virtuous drops of blood over a non Australian child.

    The refusal of the ABC to even support the plight of Aboriginal women and children deserves a Royal Commission .

    We may even get to know how many ALP politicians knew

    Milton Orkopoulos

    who is Labor's convicted child abuser. Now using the anti ScoMo hit job done by 4 Corners anyone who knew this guy is guilty of an ABC crime of guilt by association.

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