MFS mfs limited

mfs update...4 more big screw ups, page-14

  1. 11,407 Posts.
    Hi NTG

    "Hi BB. Isnt it amusing that how you have changed your tune regarding MFS."

    One has to take on new info when it comes in. The latest is another shock for shareholders.

    Not sure what is amusing about taking new informaiton into ones opinion of things.

    "Some of us tried to point out obivious factors indicating that MFS was not as good shape as you made out."

    Thanks for the unmatched concern.

    No concern needed Newy....I think MFS is stuff now. Happy to kiss it all away and take the hit. Time to move on.

    "Yet you castigated any one who did not agree with you and resorted to name calling."

    Any proof of the name calling? Would love to see it Newy?

    "You are now blaming the current board."

    Who do you want to blame? Who made the deicions at MFS to be so hearly geared?

    "Yet when the current board and its actions got the MFS share price past $6, you or Scott or smith or any other shareholder was complaining."

    I wasn't holding then so not relevant to me.

    "Yet there where people who could see the writing on the wall resulting from the credit crunch. Several companies I had did share pruchase plans to top up cash reserves, when they had already done so only months early."

    You're just too smart for thei forum Newy! Every considered starting your own Rivkin style subscription service?

    "the only thing surprising people is the extent of the dramatic falls such the Bear Stearns thing, the fall out hititng the banks and so on."

    Stating the obvious.

    "Had MFS relisted, there could have been some poor souls who would have believed you and your friends and could have ended up loosing monies because of your overly optimistic view. Whether this was an attempt to get a 'dead cat bounce' for you and friends to sell out or your undieing belief in MFS being brought back to life, idont know. "

    Does when I sell or buy shares really concern you that much?

    Does my selling or buying have that big an impact? Does my posting really concern you so much?

    "BB, personally the change in the board or what ever you are proposing will not do anything for MFS. Korda is in MFS to do a orderly disposal of assets at reasonable prices given the credit crunch. It the liquidation you are having when you are not having a liquidation."

    Its open to debate, but with being hit with new information weekly about their honest position such as Packer maybe wanting a cool $100 million may be right.

    You also may be wrong. Until we know...all we can do is speculate on the outcome of MFS.

    My opinion is changing as new informaiton such as yesterdays comes to light.

    "$2 a share for Bear Stearns sounds cheap but JP Morgan envisages paying out mearly $50 a share to solve Bear sterns problems ($6billion cost is expected)"


    "I do hope that MFS does do something constructive with it 35% Stella interest."

    Me too.

    "BB reality is hard to accept, whats worse is living in a dream world. And no pun intended."

    Thanks for your Karmic insight.

    "All you MFS shareholders, you are a few of amongst many others who are suffering due the credut crunch brought on by the high leverage many companies, and the major shareholders, engaged in to make even more money. to blame shorters in very short sighted as it is the directors who put themselves and their companies at risk at the expense of others. They, like you would have if oyu had the opportunity done the same."

    Who blamed shorters? They are merely one part of the equation.

    The board lieing about their position or not knowing..thats why MFS is in trouble and been off on a holiday for 8 weeks.

    CNP had problems...back listed.

    AFG, CGF, AED..many others also had problems.

    The board at MFS has just decided they will suspend indefinately or until they see fit.

    "Dudes, i have also lost money but mine are just paper losses, it is manageable and i wasnt betting the house or life savings."

    Dont call me Dude.

    "Good luck, but dont hold your breath for things to turn around for MFS with a new board or not."

    Dont think anyone is any more.

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