yep its all a false flag, even false flags these days cant be...

  1. 6,764 Posts.
    yep its all a false flag, even false flags these days cant be trusted and its been proven that all false flags are in fact false flags themselves

    first we have a plane that hit the Pentagon but no bodies, now we have bodies but possibly no plane, this we know for certain as no HC ct fruit case has reported having seen it, therefore without this hard-core evidence it didn't happen and has to be another false flag, the official tin hatters and Harry Potters society have yet to make an official press release, watch this space but don't be surprised if they don't try and baffle us with yet another false flag

    this incident could have been orchestrated to occur during the Gaza invasion, but a far better diversion would have been to drown the so far homeless 153 Tamil holiday makers presently bobbing about in the ocean in our NW . who needs an invasion when there is a BBQ stopper like this at our front door ?

    the more sane among us could, however, just possibly accept that a bunch of rednecks with newly acquired Russian toys didn't read the actual instruction manual and having already shot down an estimated 11 other Ukrainian planes in the same area in the past month, assumed MH17 was in fact just another Ukrainian transport plane

    but that would be stretching the imagination
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