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    MH370: Evidence of False Flag

    MH370: Evidence Suggests a Naval Intelligence / Israeli

    False Flag Operation was Exposed Before Execution of an Attack

    By Keith Maart

    On March 26, 2014, investigative journalist Chris Bollyn broke what has probably been the most important story to date on the missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 (MH370). With the befuddled and clueless mainstream media (MSM) parroting what the government was telling them and some theorizing anything from black holes to alien abduction, Bollyn reported that there was a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 identical to MH370 which had been stored in a hangar in Tel Aviv since November 2013.[1] For those knowledgeable of Israel’s long history of false flag attacks, the implications of such a long shot “coincidence” were alarming and frightening.

    In October 2013 a Ft. Lauderdale, Florida-based company, GA Telesis (“GAT”), acquired a 15-year-old Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 (“GAT’s Malaysian 777”) from Kuwaiti-based ALAFCO Leasing (lessor to Malaysian Airlines). GAT’s Malaysian 777 was flown to the relatively small and seasonal Tarbes Lourdes Airport in France’s Pyrenees mountains around October 4, 2013.[2] This movement of the plane coincidently occurred a week after President Obama announced that the US would seek diplomatic solutions with Iran regarding its nuclear program. While the plane was at Tarbes Lourdes, the Malaysian Airlines name on the plane was apparently painted over, although the signatory red and blue stripes on the fuselage remained.

    The actual sale and transfer of the plane to GAT appears to have occurred on October 21, 2013, as a new registration number in GA Telesis’ name was obtained at this time.[3] Although GAT’s primary business is the scrapping and subsequent parts sales of planes, the fact that they re-registered this plane suggests that they probably did not intend to scrap it. Although GAT usually issues press releases when they acquire jumbo jets and state their intentions for the planes, no GAT press release was issued for this plane. In addition, no other information was found discussing this significant jet sale or GAT’s intended use of the plane.

    A scrapping of this plane would be questionable for a couple of reasons. Firstly, in August 2012, Malaysian Airlines stated it had no plans to retire or add any Boeing 777s to its fleet.[4] Secondly, Telesis was ostensibly planning on scrapping an expensive jet that still had another 10+ years of expected average life remaining.[5] Indeed, two other Boeing jets that Telesis announced it was dismantling in July 2013 were about 22 and 27 years old.[6] Moreover, holding an expensive jumbo jet in storage for about 6 months and not doing anything with it does not make any economic sense.

    Around November 4, 2013, GAT’s Malaysian 777 was flown to Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, Israel, and reportedly has been there ever since.[7] On April 2, 2014, this author contacted Rebecca Longo, the Vice President of Aircraft Systems Group at GA Telesis, and asked her if GAT had a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 sitting in Israel. Ms. Longo confirmed that the jet was in Israel and awaiting disassembly. When I asked Ms. Longo why the plane was in Israel and why they would scrap such a young plane, she suggested that I talk to the CEO of GAT, Abdol Moabery. This author tried to call Abdol Moabery several times during the week of April 21, 2014, but he never replied.

    Clarifying Note: A GAT press release of July 10, 2013, stated that another apparent Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 had begun to be disassembled by GAT in the USA.[8] The alleged serial number of this plane was MSN 24818, while the serial number of the plane purchased in October 2013 was MSN 24816. However, various public records do not show that plane 24818 was ever transferred from Malaysian Airlines to GAT.[9] Besides GAT’s press release, no other information was found that confirms GAT acquired this plane. Thus, the Malaysian Airlines 777 mentioned in GAT’s July 2013 press release (24818) does not appear to be the one acquired in October 2013 and discussed above (24816). Flight MH370’s serial number was MSN 24820.

    Evidence Suggests GA Telesis is an Apparent Front Company in an Attempted False Flag Operation

    Abdol Moabery is the founder and CEO of GA Telesis. He started the company in early 2002 at the age of 34 after apparently just 7 questionable years in the aviation business.[10] I say “questionable” because all that is known about Moabery before he founded GAT is contained in a few sentences of a brief autobiography that can be found in several places on the internet.[11] There are many open questions about Moabery’s past and evidence suggests he may be associated with US Naval Intelligence and that GAT is an intelligence front company. Coincidently, Moabery and the Israeli Vice Chairman of a GAT subsidiary that can retrofit planes, Aviv Tzur, where aviation executives in the immediate area where 3 of the 4 alleged 9/11 hijacker cells were located.

    According to Moabery’s internet biography, before starting GAT, he served in the U.S Navy and Navy Reserves, was Director of Marketing and Sales at C-S Aviation Services, and was then Executive Vice President of Aviation Systems International. Moabery does not provide the dates for his navy service and prior two jobs and provides very little additional information about them.

    No information was found on Moabery’s naval career, including what units he served in and how long he served. However, background checks showed that Moabery lived in Jacksonville, FL, and Warrenton, VA. Jacksonville hosts a large and strategic US Naval Air Station and an intelligence unit called the US Navy Information Dominance Corps (NIDC). NIDC includes enlisted and civilian professionals who possess skills in information-intensive fields. It also receives extensive training in information, intelligence, counter-intelligence, networks, and space, and its mission is to deliver full-spectrum cyber information warfare and intelligence training to achieve decision superiority.[12]

    Moabery’s potential involvement in NIDC (including as a reservist) or other military intelligence units would be somewhat hypothetical if not for the fact he also apparently lived in Warrenton, VA. Warrenton houses the Warrenton Training Center (WTC) which is a large classified government communication complex that has served many roles, most notably as a CIA signals intelligence facility, numbers station, and communications laboratory. WTC also has a communications and signals intelligence training school for various federal agencies including the CIA, NSA, Department of Defense and Department of State.[13] Since Moabery does not disclose anything about his navy career, a possible military intelligence background cannot be discounted.

    An April 25, 2014 GAT press release states that they hired Dale Karraker as new Director of Government and Defense Programs. Coincidently, Karraker began his career as Cryptologic Technician for the US Navy and most recently Country Manager for a gas turbine company (Chromalloy, Inc.) in Saudi Arabia.[14] A Navy Cryptologic Technician performs a wide range of tasks in support of the national intelligence-gathering with an emphasis on cryptology and signal intelligence and generally maintains security clearance.[15] Given Moabery’s apparent station in Warrenton, he may have had a similar Navy intelligence background as Karraker.

    Moabery’s first listed job as Director of Marketing and Sales of C-S Aviation appears to be a huge leap of responsibility given his previous navy experience and questionable college education.[16] C-S Aviation is a George Soros Company, and Moabery was allegedly responsible for the sales and marketing of a fleet of commercial aircraft. Moabery’s next job was EVP of Aviation Systems International (Boca Raton, Florida), where his responsibilities allegedly included oversight and management of all operations. ASI was a privately held company that was in involved in the jet scrapping and parts supply business and went bankrupt in 2004. This author found no evidence confirming that Moabery worked for either of the aforementioned companies.

    Oddly, the only company besides GAT where Moabery’s name came up in an internet search is one that he does not list on his internet biography. Per a January 2008 New York Times article, Moabery invited ex-New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani to invest in and promote a closely-held start-up company (Skywatch LLC) that Moabery was a partner in along with Raytheon, a large US military contractor. Moabery tried soliciting Giuliani to Skywatch more than two years earlier, and according to the Times, Moabery left the company in December 2006 but remained a shareholder in its parent company. Skywatch’s main product was the Eagle-300, an electronic monitoring device to detect illegal aliens at border fences.[17] The full extent of Moabery’s relationship with Raytheon is not known, just like many things in his alleged professional life.

    GAT is a privately held company and it is not known who all of its owners are or who supplied the money to start the company in 2002. With apparently 7 years work experience, it is unlikely that Moabery had the equity funds or the experience to obtain bank financing for his new business. GAT’s primary business of jumbo jet scrapping and parts supply (“parts out business”) is a capital intensive business that would require relatively substantial start-up money and bank financing. Being privately held, GAT does not report its financial results and it is not known what units generate the most business. GAT reports about a half dozen different divisions and one of GAT’s groups is its Defense and Government Systems Division.

    There is little public information relating to GAT’s government and defense contracts but GAT lists on its website a half-dozen military aircraft that it supports and states that its defense division provides security and surveillance products and consulting and partnering services. GAT allegedly provides plane maintenance services for defense and government customers and in April 2013 entered into several agreements with Boeing Defense Services for inventory management on several planes Boeing provides to the military.[18] The full extent of GAT’s and Moabery’s military relationships is unknown.

    In 2011, GAT acquired assets and certain liabilities of Ultimate Aircraft Composites (UAC), a Florida based Israeli-run company that specializes in the repair of aircraft. Per a GAT press release in January 2011, UAC is capable of supporting the repair and manufacture of a plane’s structural and composite components including flight control services and nacelle systems (parts separate from fuselage, including engines, fuel system, etc). UAC had several contracts for the repair of structural military components for various government and military agencies. Per GAT, “The addition of military component capability to our existing range of commercial and regional aircraft will allow us to complete the circle of complex composite and structural repair services.”[19] Given UAC’s Israeli management, there is a likelihood that UAC had contracts with the Israeli government.

    UAC was merged into a GAT subsidiary named GA Telesis Composite Repair Group and several of UAC’s Israeli executives became officers and board members of GAT’s new subsidiary. UAC’s Chief Executive Officer, Aviv Tzur, was made Executive Chairman and is one of three board members of GAT’s Composite Group. Tzur is Chairman of the Florida Region Israeli-American Chamber of Commerce and Chris Bollyn confirmed that Tzur and other officers and board members of GAT’s Composite Group are Israeli citizens.[20] When Bollyn spoke to Tzur and told him that people who answered the phone at GAT’s Composite Group did not know who he was, Tzur told Bollyn that only the guys at the top would know about his position with the company.[21]

    Last but not least, there appears to be a relatively significant disconnect between GAT’s alleged operations and what some public records show. GAT’s press releases over the last several years suggest that they have scrapped about two dozen planes.[22] However, Planespotters fleet history shows that GAT has only scrapped one plane and has sold the overwhelming majority of planes that it has acquired.[23] This discrepancy could indicate a front company whose operations are not what they state. Coincidently, GAT usually provides a quarterly summary of its acquisitions and operations within two to three months after each quarter but a summary for the fourth quarter of 2013 has not been provided nearly 4 months later.

    Both GAT and Abdol Moabery have a number of appearances and characteristics of fronts for US intelligence, and Aviv Tzur’s addition to the company in 2011 provides a clear connection to the Israeli government and military. Without these individuals and institutions providing evidence and answers to the many critical questions about them, their possible involvement in what appears to be an exposed false flag operation cannot be ignored.

    MH370 Apparently Flown to Diego Garcia: Navy Intelligence’s Part in the Exposed False Flag Operation

    Despite weak, questionable, and conflicting evidence, the general consensus in the MSM is that MH370 appears to have followed a primarily southerly route and crashed somewhere in the southern Indian Ocean (over 1000 km SW of Perth, Australia) after running out of fuel. This theory is primarily based on the alleged satellite data of a British satellite telecommunications company named Inmarsat. There are significant questions about the reliability of Inmarsat’s findings, not the least of which is that no other satellite data has confirmed them and that the company has extensive military contracts. No evidence from any source has been found to confirm Inmarsat’s findings.

    The investigation into MH370’s disappearance has been filled with incompetence, cover-ups, and disinformation. The scope of this paper is not to rebut the loads of questionable and conflicting evidence, but to show that the evidence suggests that the plane was probably flown to a strategic US naval and satellite communication facility in the central Indian Ocean. On a small island named Diego Garcia, 450 miles from the Maldives, there is a US naval base with a runway that can accommodate jumbo jets. There is nothing else on Diego Garcia except for the US Navy base and its satellite communications facility.

    Around sunrise at 6:15 AM on March 8, 2014 (9:15 AM Malaysia time), several residents on the Maldives island of Huvadhoo reported seeing a very low-flying jumbo jet. The residents provided good detail and described the aircraft as white with red stripes, which is very similar to the colors of MH370. According to some residents, the plane was flying so low they could see the doors on the plane. The residents stated that they sometimes see small seaplanes around the island, but this was the first time they ever saw a jumbo jet. People were coming out of their houses to see what was causing the tremendous noise. The eyewitnesses say that the airplane was traveling in a southeast direction toward Addu, the last and most southern island in the Maldives.[24]

    There are several important facts and observations that need to be made at this point:

    Huvadhoo residents would have been the first (the sighting happened around sunrise) and last to see the plane before it reached Diego Garcia, which is mainly south of Huvadhoo. Although there was one more Maldives island (Addu Island, about 50 miles straight south of Huvadhoo) before Diego Garcia, the plane was reportedly traveling in a southeast direction apparently in order to miss Addu Island.

    If the plane was flying so low that some people could see the plane’s doors and it was very loud, then it was probably flying no more than 500 feet above sea level. At this flying height, the plane was flying low enough to avoid conventional radar.

    The time the plane was spotted was about 8.5 hours from take-off and it had flown roughly 2,200 miles, averaging approximately 250 miles per hour. (From Kuala Lumpur to the original destination of Beijing was 2,700 miles.) Although the plane had more drag at the lower altitude and would have gotten worse fuel mileage, the much slower than normal speed would have compensated for the greater air resistance.[25]

    From the point where the plane was spotted, there was another 500 miles to Diego Garcia, or approximately two hours at its then current speed.

    The day after the sightings were reported in the Maldives media, the acting Malaysian transport minister stated that the Maldives reports were “not true,” based on a conversation between the heads of Malaysia’s and Maldives’ Defense Forces. Maldives National Defence Force stated there was no trace that MH370 had been picked up on their radar.[26] Of course not, the plane was apparently flying at around 500 feet and all other tracking devices have been intentionally turned off. The finding of the sightings being “not true” implies that the residents deliberately lied and no evidence or support was provided for this fact. Indeed, if the residents who spotted the plane were found to be intentionally lying in one of the most high profile international investigations in years, then it would likely be a crime and there’s no evidence they were charged with one. What would be the eyewitnesses motivation to tell such an alleged blatant lie?

    As reported in the MSM, the head pilot of MH370, Capt. Zaharie Ahmed Shah, had a “sophisticated” self-built flight simulator in his house. Despite the FBI lying that they found nothing unusual on the simulator, several MSM organizations reported that Shah had Diego Garcia programmed into his simulator which suggests that he practiced flights to that remote island.[27] As a glance at Google Maps reveals, the closest easily-sighted amount of land to a direct path between the last-known location of MH370 and Diego Garcia is the Maldives, so it would make sense (especially if fuel was tight and navigation was uncertain) to aim for the Maldives en route to Diego Garcia.

    A major Malaysian news organization reported that investigators found that Diego Garcia and its runway was among the top-five locations programmed in Shah’s simulator, along with Male, Maldives.[28] The only thing on Diego Garcia is the US Navy and commercial flights do not go to Diego Garcia. Given that Shah appears to have flown the plane at about 500 feet above sea level, practicing on a simulator would have been very helpful.

    Diego Garcia is owned by the British government and is leased to the US government. US navy operations on the island include a large ship and submarine base, an air base, a communications and “space tracking” facility, and a logistics anchorage for regional operations, including for the Middle East. Diego Garcia was used as the launching pad for US bombers in both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars and as a logistics supply hub.

    Diego Garcia also happens to be the place where the US has several hundred “bunker-buster” bombs stored in event of a possible attack on Iran. The Scotland Herald reported in 2010 that a Florida-based shipping company (Superior Maritime Services) entered into a contract with the US government to ship 387 “Blu” bombs used for blasting hardened or underground structures.[29] Thus, Diego Garcia might well be a logical staging area for a false flag operation against Iran. Coincidentally, Superior Maritime Services does lots of military work and is located in the same Florida County (Broward) as GA Telesis.

    With the bunker buster bombs stored at Diego Garcia, it’s probable that there is an Israeli presence there that is involved in the planning and preparation of a possible attack on Iran. It’s likely that there has been military coordination between the US and Israel and it would make sense that Diego Garcia would be used given its state of the art satellite systems (to identify Iran’s potential nuclear sites) and its probable use as a launch pad for possible bombing strikes against Iran.

    Another significant unanswered question is why didn’t Diego Garcia’s sophisticated satellite systems pick up any data on MH370 given it allegedly flew within about one thousand miles of the base and allegedly crashed about 2,000 miles from Diego Garcia. There’s speculation that US military and intelligence did have the means to monitor MH370’s flight. Diego Garcia’s satellite systems would almost certainly have had the capability to pick up the same “pings” that Inmarsat’s satellite allegedly picked up.

    The Feeble Framing of Iran and the Exposed “Plan A” of the Attempted False Flag Operation

    For about the last decade, Israel and US neocon hawks have been trying to convince the world that Iran is six months away from producing a nuclear bomb, and the dire consequences if they’re not stopped. Israel’s cited source for this evidence is their vaunted intelligence services which have been proven wrong time and time again. Realizing that President Obama and the rest of the world is sick and tired of their “crying wolf,” Israel and certain neocon related elements within the US military and intelligence apparatus are clearly getting desperate for action which now appears to be in the form of a joint false flag operation to implicate Iran.

    The Iranian connection to MH370 was established quickly when two Iranian men were found to have boarded the flight using stolen passports. Although many American MSM organizations have floated the theory that the Iranian men could have been party to a terrorism plot, most MSM organizations have not promoted it as likely theory. However, Fox News and its owner Rupert Murdoch have been aggressively promoting this theory along with the Israeli mainstream media. These false flag actors are clearly trying to set the stage that Iran is most likely behind MH370’s disappearance and that they are probably going to use the plane in some sort of terrorism attack.

    One of the first signs that the fix was in on Iran, is when the UK Daily Mail noticed the obviously photoshopped picture of the two Iranian passengers on Flight MH370. The March 24, 2014, Daily Mail pointed out that both Iranian men had the exact same green pants, brown shoes, and leg positions in their photos.[30] In a very strange excuse, the Malaysian police said the image of one man had been accidently placed on top of the other when they were photocopied. MH370’s pilot’s apparent complicity in the diversion of the plane to Diego Garcia and the flagrant errors and cover-ups attempted by the Malaysian government may indicate certain individuals in Malaysia may have been recruited into the likely US/Israeli covert operation.

    There are several different ways that a false flag attack involving two identical Malaysian Airlines 777’s could have been undertaken, but now that the plan has been exposed we will probably never know what was actually being planned. However, one possible scenario is that GAT’s Malaysian 777 in Tel Aviv was undergoing retrofitting for the operation that probably included such things as automated flight systems, Iranian/Russian parts, explosives, etc. The Malaysian Airlines name would be painted back on the plane and it would be used in another 9/11-type attack. MH370 would be disassembled at Diego Garcia and identifying parts would be placed at the crash site of the substitute plane suggesting that it was indeed MH370 and that the Iranians had retrofitted it for the operation.

    Naval intelligence’s fingerprints are all over MH370’s disappearance, from it’s likely flight path to Diego Garcia to Abdol Moabery’s possible involvement in the Navy Intelligence. The fact that GAT had an identical Malaysian Airlines 777 sitting in a hangar in Tel Aviv is another long shot coincidence that is too hard to ignore. US and Israeli intelligence do not think inside the box and they were apparently up to some of their old tricks in the case of MH370. With hundreds of one-ton bunker buster bombs sitting in Diego Garcia dying to be used, the temptation of using them and attacking the second most significant oil rich country in the world was apparently too much for the US military and Israel to resist. Now that Plan A has been foiled, we’ll now have to wait awhile to see what Plan B has in store.
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