The 2004 Ban on David Irving's visit to NZ: Blunt Answers to...

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    The 2004 Ban on David Irving's visit to NZ: Blunt Answers to some Frequently Asked Questions

    Summary: In February 2004 David Irving began planning a visit to the USA and New Zealand. On May 22 he ordered and paid for the ticket, with Qantas flying the segment from Los Angeles to Auckland. On May 23 the New Zealand government placed his name on a banned list circulated to airlines. On July 21 the NZ Herald reported that the Jewish community was demanding a ban on his entry. On July 22 Immigration stated that a final decision on his September visit had not been made. On July 31 Prime Minister Helen Clark said that Mr Irving's views should not bar him from the country. On September 15 the NZ Labour Ministry warned all airlines to comply strictly with immigration law regarding carrying banned passengers.

    On September 16 Mr Irving was denied boarding of the Qantas flight at Los Angeles, on direct instructions from the NZ Immigration Service. [Photos] The country's press strongly disapproved this action. He applied on October 18, 2004 for the special permit which the prime minister indicated he would require; but she made plain a few days later that she would not allow it anyway.


    DAVID IRVING was to travel to New Zealand in mid-September 2004 to speak to the country's National Press Club which had extended an invitation to him to address a public meeting in Wellington. He would also research in the country's national archives for volume 3 of his nearly-completed Churchill biography, which is to appear in 2005 ("Churchill’s War", vol. iii: "The Sundered Dream").

    The usual bigots demanded that his visit be stopped. At first Prime Minister Helen Clark saw no reason to comply.

    He had visited New Zealand twice before, in 1986 and 1987, promoting his pioneering work on the Hungarian Uprising of 1956, and "Churchill's War", vol. i: "Struggle for Power". He had no criminal record in NZ or elsewhere -- a clean driving licence for 50 years -- and there were no known legal reasons to prevent his entry.

    The fact of his tour had been announced on this website since 2003. He had invited his many friends in Australia to fly in to join him. On July 17, 2004 however the local Jewish Council confidently announced that it would prevent him speaking. Council chairman David Zwartz (Israeli consul in Auckland) led the clamour. His community was still suffering from the stinging rebuke delivered to Israel by the prime minister after a spy and fake passports scandal; one of his own council members turned out to be the third man sought by police in the scandal, after he had fled with his family to sanctuary in Israel.

    The whole gang joined in. From Los Angeles the Simon Wiesenthal Center wrote a secret letter to the New Zealand ambassador demanding that Mr Irving be excluded from New Zealand, and wrongly claiming that he had criminal convictions for incitement. Two well-timed attacks on Jewish cemeteries in Wellington further distracted public and government attention; since speculation was rife about the perpetrators, and Zwartz's council only talked about putting up a reward, Mr Irving offered a ten thousand dollar reward (guaranteed by a wealthy California supporter).

    THIS uproar was no more than expected. Each such local organisation acts on orders from a sinister central organisation, the oddly-named Anti-Defamation League of the B’nai Brith, based in New York. You wonder how your local NZ journalists and politicians are suddenly so well informed? The ADL ships out packages of prepared press briefings, circulars, and smear material (as Noam Chomsky, Auberon Waugh, and other well known authors describe in their memoirs).

    The ADL has an annual budget of over US $60m for its unsavoury task. Its long-time director is Abraham Foxman, left, a corrupt official who solicits bribes from criminals wanted by the US Federal authorities and who has made it his personal ambition to destroy Mr Irving, regardless of the obloquy that results against his fellows around the world. A respected Rabbi recently called Foxman their own "worst enemy".

    The ADL does not hesitate to libel people as anti-Semites. In 2003 it had to pay damages of US $10m to a Denver, Colorado, couple. Where it can get away with it, ADL front-organisations fund violent thugs to photograph, intimidate, or break up audiences.

    The ADL has been fighting a secret battle to silence David Irving since at least 1977. Hiding behind a campaign ostensibly directed against racism, Foxman and the ADL try to suppress Real History and free speech worldwide. The ADL's own chosen motif is the Snake and Star of David (below).

    They exert great influence in Australia, where the local body bribed the political parties of both John Howard and his predecessor Paul Keating. Billonaire Isi Leibler, right, who headed the body at that time, is now chairman of the World Jewish Congress; he admitted that he was behind the campaign against Mr Irving. Canberra has refused Mr Irving a new entry visa ever since 1992. He had toured Australia in 1986 and 1987 without problem, and had seen his Churchill biography shoot to No. 1 on the Sydney Morning Herald list of best-sellers.

    Mr Irving funded and fought four legal battles against the Australian ban, winning two. Canberra subsequently changed the immigration law to keep him out. His daughter is now an Australian citizen, married to an Australian, and working for the Queensland Government; nevertheless Mr Howard has announced that he will change the "next of kin" law too, if necessary to keep Mr Irving from speaking in Australia again. He has made plain it is Mr Irving's views -- which do NOT involve the Nazi Holocaust -- that he wants to keep Australians from hearing. His fear shows the clout that these traditional enemies of free speech have.

    Mr Irving has informed the National Press Club on July 18, 2004: "My visit to NZ is on my own initiative, and I am not invited by, or speaking to, any groups. I am arranging the venues myself.

    "As for a topic, unless you have a choice, I would suggest something like "The problems of writing about World War II in a free society." But I am an expert on Hitler and Churchill, the subjects of my great biographies. May I make plain that I will not talk about the Holocaust, as I am not an expert on that subject. You can download a leaflet just printed which gives very useful quotations.

    "You can also find some useful quotations from the High Court judgment in my libel action against Deborah Lipstadt -- or read the full Judgment; all my books are available as free downloads.

    "I have of course followed all recent events in NZ closely, including the Joel Hayward and the New Zealand Herald cartoonist affair, and post them hourly on my website. As for the affair of the two Mossad agents, [NZ Prime Minister] Helen Clark seems to have balls."

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