Middle East War Expands, page-1441

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 125

    With the direct attack of U.$. forces on the Houthi boats, the Pandora's Box has been knocked ajar and now gapes wide-open. This gives the Houthis a moral basis for retaliation. Doubtful, though, that will happen anytime soon. They will simply wait for the long-planned air assault and missile bombardment from U$$A naval forces and THEN they will target the aggressors.

    Though the U.$$A is the designated attack-dog for the Talmudist Agenda, this country has no actual agency. Even the Agency takes its orders from City of London. I'm already mourning for the American sailors aboard those ships who may soon be sacrificed for that agenda.

    Posted by: aristodemos | Dec 31 2023 20:20 utc

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