Middle East War Expands, page-2302

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    IMO, this anti-war, anti-genocide movement with youth is/was entirely Grassroots and organic. An emotional, ideological social media convergence of commonality that spurred action.

    EVERY SINGLE special interest group is after co-opting the movement. The same thing happened with "Occupy Wall Street", was also was organic response to the grand theft transfer of 2008. Everything from George Soro's to Islamic Jihadists will be thrown in the smear attempts to divert attention from the core movement message.

    Every device since 2001 to obstruct, smear, dismantle any form of "assembly", relegating, and then creating new bills and laws to infringe on Right of Assembly and Freedom of Speech has been continually attacked since 2001 in a vicious and vitriol manner.

    From the Occupy Wall Street, to the J-6ers, the "message" of challenging the "status-quo" in any real fashion will be met with brutal force, co-opted and result in the creation of new "laws" prohibiting and infringing on rights. Look how fast this ridiculous "antisemitism" legislation has already moved and passed the House.
    Infringing First Amendment Right, not challenged so far by any of our "so-called" elected Representatives.

    If this anti-genocide movement on campuses, and those students I have seen, appear very well informed and educated and focused on the results they would like to have implemented out of this. They recognize the futility of approaching "Congress", and are going straight to the jugular-- finances. There is no evidence of a complete capture or co-opting as yet, just a commonality of a bunch of young, educated, human-emotion filled people that got sick and tired of seeing a bunch dead babies and blown up buildings on their social feeds, and their own "congress" support of it day and night. Just my opinion, and our duty, if not joining arm, is to be on the phone and witting letters day and night to DC with harsh and stern expressions regarding "legislature" that any of these treasonous public place holders think they are going to "get away" with slipping through.

    Posted by: Trubind1 | May 2 2024 14:44 utc

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