Middle East War Expands, page-2341

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    John Day

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Israeli military is providing far-right activists and settlers with information on the location of aid trucks heading to the Gaza Strip, which they use to vandalize and block the vehicles, The Guardian reported on Tuesday, citing multiple sources. https://sputnikglobe.com/20240521/israeli-military-leaking-information-about-gaza-aid-trucks-to-radicals—reports-1118568935.html

    US, Israel undermining Palestinian statehood talks — Lavrov
    The Russian foreign minister reiterated that it is impossible to ensure stability in the Middle East without creating a Palestinian state https://tass.com/politics/1791271

    In Texas: WATCH: College Admins Tell Texas Students They’ll Be Arrested for Saying ‘From The River to the Sea’ https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=64457

    Alastair Crooke, Why are Israel and the West unravelling in tandem?
    “In effect, for 57 years Israel has been living in a recurring loop of the seventh day of the Six-Day War. That reality, which in the 1970s was termed “protracted temporariness,” has become a permanent feature of Israel’s political and geopolitical ecosystem”.
    It is a framework that has become Israel’s trap.
    So why are Israel and the West unravelling in tandem? Well, it is firstly because they have become so inter-connected at the level of power structures (in both U.S. and Europe) to a point that it is difficult to know who has more heft within these power and media structures: Tel Aviv or the White House.
    This means interdependency in terms of each’s international standing, and by extension, vulnerability to any collapse in Global standing.
    So, whilst the West today ostensibly eschews literal settler colonialism (other than that practiced by Israel), it nonetheless has pursued a form of rent-seeking, financialised colonialism since WW2. That process also has become a permanent framework to the western political and geopolitical ecosystem.
    The consequence is that as settler colonialism in Gaza moves starkly and darkly into view, the global majority sees both Israel and the West as explicitly colonial. No distinction is made – the Rules-Based Order is seen as just another iteration of the colonial eco-system. Thus, events in Gaza, amongst other things, have sparked a new wave of anti-colonial sentiment across the globe. https://strategic-culture.su/news/2024/05/20/why-are-israel-and-the-west-unravelling-in-tandem/

    Hope? Massie Taunts AIPAC After Demolishing Primary Challengers https://www.zerohedge.com/political/massie-taunts-aipac-after-demolishing-primary-challengers

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