" Fifth, the existence of Zionism is a catastrophe for the Jews...

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    " Fifth, the existence of Zionism is a catastrophe for the Jews and a total negation of Judaism, replacing it with nationalist idolatry.

    Posted by: Cabe | Jun 30 2024 16:31 utc | 27 "

    The Jews have been at this far longer then you suspect.

    " In Cyrenaica, the rebels were led by Lukuas or Andreas, who called himself "king", according to Eusebius of Caesarea. His group destroyed many temples, including those to Hecate, Jupiter, Apollo, Artemis and Isis, as well as the civil structures that were symbols of Rome, including the Caesareum, the basilica and the public baths."

    The 4th-century Christian historian Orosius records that the violence so depopulated the province of Cyrenaica that new colonies had to be established by Hadrian:

    The Jews... waged war on the inhabitants throughout Libya in the most savage fashion, and to such an extent was the country wasted that, its cultivators having been slain, its land would have remained utterly depopulated, had not Emperor Hadrian gathered settlers from other places and sent them thither, for the inhabitants had been wiped out.[10]

    Dio Cassius states of Jewish insurrectionaries:

    Meanwhile the Jews in the region of Cyrene had put one Andreas at their head and were destroying both the Romans and the Greeks. They would cook their flesh, make belts for themselves of their entrails, anoint themselves with their blood, and wear their skins for clothing. Others they would give to wild beasts and force still others to fight as gladiators. In all, consequently, two hundred and twenty thousand perished. In Egypt, they also performed many similar deeds, and in Cyprus under the leadership of Artemio. There, likewise, two hundred and forty thousand perished. For this reason, no Jew may set foot in that land, but even if one of them is driven upon the island by the force of the wind, he is put to death. Various persons took part in subduing these Jews, one being Lusius, who was sent by Trajan.[11] "

    Posted by: Moonie | Jun 30 2024 18:58 utc

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